Saturday, 17 September 2016

The Power of intent

Treasures In The Garden

 I believe in the power of intention

to change the landscape of society;

And it is my intention to live an authentic

 life of compassion,integrity and action.

                                                                                        Zachary Quinto
At the end of the day.......

It takes a

 powerful intention,

a powerful choice,

to make our life 

go in a different direction to

What it is going now.

We need to believe 

that things WILL work

out. Not as we had 

planned, but how

things were meant to be.

Change the way we look at things and things we look at CHANGE.
Wayne Dyer

I choose to live my life with joy in my heart.

My word for today is "INTENTION!"




Sunday, 4 September 2016

Chasing Butterflies

Treasures In The Garden

Most of us spend time searching for happiness....

Happiness is like a butterfly:

the more we chase it,

the more it will chide us;

but if we turn our attention

to other things,it will

and sit softly 

on our shoulder.

.... there is enough happiness for all of us.

I choose to live with joy in my heart.

My word for today "CHASE!"