Wednesday, 18 January 2017

The Power Of Positivity

Treasures In The Garden

Choose to be happy:

Happiness is a choice,

not a result.

Nothing can make us happy

until we choose to be happy.

No person will make us happy

unless we decide to BE happy.

Our happiness will not come to us.
It will only come from us.
                          Ralf Masterton

I choose to live with joy in my heart.

Today's word is "CHOICE!"

Only we can make that choice.

Monday, 2 January 2017

New year resolutions


Treasures In The Garden

Here we are in the brand new year of 2017. 

Most of us will be thinking of New Year resolutions. Then, by the end of January we will have broken them and tried again a couple more times. It's so frustrating because our good intentions have gotten lost in the craziness of just living our normal day.

So I thought that maybe as we are experiencing our normal day we could count the physical luxuries we take for granted, that other people would love to experience, but do not have these luxuries on hand.

Think about how many small luxuries we may have experienced today....... Count them up!

Did you wake this morning in a comfortable bed?
Did you have clean water to drink?
Was there hot water to shower in?
Did your bus or train run on time?
Did your car start? Did it run well?
                                       Did you eat a nourishinghealthy lunch?
Was there a  hot drink to have when you arrived home?
 Was there someone or a pet to welcome you home?

These are all things we so often take for granted.
Take a moment to appreciate each one of these things to the fullest.
Think about how fortunate we are in so many different ways. Let these little luxuries create a sense of  richness and well-being in your life.

And feel glad and grateful and fantastic.

Take notice and have gratitude for the smallest pleasures to make a huge contribution to our everyday happiness.

So many people don't have these fortunate that most of us view as mundane things that are part of daily living. 

And we can have this wonderful happiness everyday.

My word for today is "APPRECIATE!"

I choose to live everyday with my heart filled with joy.

My word for today is "APPRECIATE!"

I choose to live everyday with my heart filled with joy.