One of the castles along the Rhine Valley |
Great St Martins in Cologne |
From My Travels
I still have 100% of the rest of my life to live.
Having a sense of humour and the ability to laugh at situations that aren't all they
should be, helps to relieve tensions in my life, and place things in perspective.
Every day is so different. Being on the boat has meant that we don't have to pack up every morning and sleep in a different bed every night. We are very spoilt. We have our person who makes up our cabin every morning and changes our towels while we are at breakfast, and at night while we are at dinner, turns down our bed, leaves us the news letter, and a chocolate, and a lovely picture of a fire on the telly and music playing.
After Amsterdam we visited Cologne. We did a walking tour there, and toured over an enormous Cathedral and other local historical places.
The next day we travelled along the Rhine Valley to Rudisheim. We passed 40 castles on the way in all states of repair and loaded with history. We had a beautiful concert with 2 electric violins and an ordinary guitar. They were magnificent.
We will pass through 68 locks on the river system. We have been through more than 30 so far, most of them were on the Main River. Once we get through most of the locks we will pass on to the Danube River.
At Rudisheim we visited a place which was a museum of musical instruments. The building in which they were housed was about 300 years old and under continuing reconstruction. We also had a coffee laced with cognac- n-i-c-e!
Today we had a Zither concert, and a lady came to demonstrate biscuit making. 2 men were called out to be the biscuit makers with the promise of a chocolate, schnapps, a kiss and a love song. Nigel was one of those. And they had to dress up in frilly aprons. It was very funny and the biscuits turned out really well despite all the shenanigans.
Today we were in Miltenberg in Bavaria. We did a walking tour there too into the Market Platz. What a very pretty place, buildings here are round the 400 year age. We saw a castle, enormous Catholic church, Protestant Church. Some of the buildings are still owned by original families from 400 years back or carrying on the same type of business that traded 300 or 400 years ago- how amazing.
At present we are cruising to Wurzberg. They expect to arrive there in the morning at 8.30am.
Tomy Temerson and the zither concer | t |
Market platz in Milternberg |
Nigel cooking cookies |