Thursday, 28 June 2012

More Magical Touring

One of the castles along the Rhine Valley
Great St Martins in Cologne

From My Travels

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
 I still have 100% of the rest of my life to live.

Having a sense of humour and the ability to laugh at situations that aren't all they
should  be, helps to relieve tensions in my life, and place things in perspective.

Every day is so different. Being on the boat has meant that we don't have to pack up every morning and sleep in a different bed every night. We are very spoilt. We have our person who makes up our cabin every morning and changes our towels while we are at breakfast, and at night while we are at dinner, turns down our bed, leaves us the news letter, and a chocolate, and a lovely picture of a fire on the telly and music playing.

After Amsterdam we visited Cologne. We did a walking tour there, and toured over an enormous Cathedral and other local historical places.

The next day we travelled along the Rhine Valley to Rudisheim. We passed 40 castles on the way in all states of repair and loaded with history. We had a beautiful concert with 2 electric violins and an ordinary guitar. They were magnificent.
We will pass through 68 locks on the river system. We have been through more than 30 so far, most of them were on the Main River. Once we get through most of the locks we will pass on to the Danube River. 

At Rudisheim we visited a place which was a museum of musical instruments. The building in which they were housed was about 300 years old and under continuing reconstruction. We also had a coffee laced with cognac- n-i-c-e!
Today we had a Zither concert,  and a lady came to demonstrate biscuit making. 2 men were called out to be the biscuit makers with the promise of a chocolate, schnapps, a kiss and a love song. Nigel was one of those. And they had to dress up in frilly aprons. It was very funny and the biscuits turned out really well despite all the shenanigans.

Today we were in Miltenberg in Bavaria. We did a walking tour there too into the Market Platz. What a very pretty place, buildings here are round the 400 year age. We saw a castle, enormous Catholic church, Protestant Church. Some of the buildings are still owned by original families from 400 years back or carrying on the same type of business that traded 300 or 400 years ago- how amazing.

At present we are cruising to Wurzberg. They expect to arrive there in the morning at 8.30am. 
Tomy Temerson and the zither concer

Market platz in Milternberg
Nigel cooking cookies

Monday, 25 June 2012

Another Day In our Travels

From My travels

Today is the first day of the rest of my life 

I have 100% of the rest of my life to live.

This is a picture of Stonehenge- the place I most wanted to see on my trip to G. Britain. It was very exciting to see this. It was very busy and quite wet. We had a little luck here. A guide took us out of the line we were in, waiting to go to the ruins to another line thinking we would get in quicker. We found a person purchasing tickets for a tour. So the guide gave us free entry because he inconvenienced us. I didn't mind being inconvenienced to the tune of 20 GB pounds (that's $40AUD).
The Keep

Blarney Castle- the stone is where  the square arch is at the very top
Me at the top of the castle
Blarney house
The day before, I saw the other place I most wanted to visit- Blarney Castle. I was going to kiss the Blarney Stone. I climbed many, many rickety stone stairs right to the top of the castle. I got right to the stone and saw what had to be done and I freaked out. So no blarney stone for me. But I think I had already been gifted with the gab.
 As you can see, I thought this was a really great place.

We flew over to Amsterdam yesterday morning.- up at 3am. We were met at the airport and were driven to our meeting place- the only 2 passengers in a very enormous bus. It was pouring rain and was like that for most of the afternoon. We went out for lunch .Almost went into a coffee shop but the menu didn't show anything we wanted so we went to Burger King and had a chilli chicken wrap and water. Today on our canal tour we found out that a coffee shop is the place where people buy soft drugs and Koffee Huis is where people drink coffee
We visited a working windmill and saw limestone being ground into chalk.
We also saw cheese being made and tasted some yummy cheeses and scrumptious mustards.
We went to the Klumpen Huis and saw wooden clogs being made.
The Miller
"The Kat" working windmill

At the cheese making place

The man making the Clogs
We saw all these things at Zaanse Schans

The most favourite place I  have been at so far has been when we had dinner at Cardiff Wales. We had dinner and a show. The food was superb. The singing of the waiter, waitresses and compere were out of this world. The lady who played the harp and the keyboard was the champion harp player of Wales. She had won at all the Welsh eisteddfords. We looked over 3 rooms of the castle. Two had been decorated in the 18th century- a gentleman's room where men retired to smoke and the ladies room. And the other one was in it's original state from 1492 that was the private residence of the Marquis of Bute

Cardiff Castle
This was taken as we
 arrived at the Castle
Ornate decoration in the gentlemen's room

Ornate decoration in the ladies room
                                                 Men used to smoke in here
Original bookcases in the Marqius' living area

2 ladies in Welsh traditional Dress

At dinner in the castle

These were 2 ladies who entertained us and served our food
These were our entertainers and servers

The keep lit up at night

.They had voices like angels

 This has been the most exhilarating experience of my life. I have learned so much. I have fulfilled a number of dreams. It is just proves we are never to old too learn new things. It is great to learn new things. Thank you for letting me share my excitement with you. The world is a wonderful place.May the peace of God be with you all . C

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Some more new experiences

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
I have 100% of the rest of my life.

One personal success I have experienced outweighs every failure that happened beforehand. 
Didn't Thomas Edison have many failures before he finally succeeded in inventing
the light bulb?

 Here we are today at Killarney in Ireland,What a beautiful part of the country. We have enjoyed our time in Irelan. Galway  was a great place. At Galway we did some walking. We went to St. Patrick's Cathedral. There are two huge Cathedrals in Galway and both of them are protestant. The other is Christchurch Cathedral which was right across the road from our hotel. We got to look at that as well.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
Christchurch Cathedral

We did some shopping for ourselves, the first real shopping since we've been here - a couple of scarves and a hat for me and a souvenier shirt of Ireland for Nigel. They have such beautiful unique stuff here. I could spend madly but I guess that wouldn't be very sensible.

The best part of our visit was our tour of the Guiness Factory. It is situated at Kingsgate  on 50acs in Galway, the original site, since 1759. It was so interesting. I got to try a pint of guiness. It's very nice tasting- very creamy. We did the tasting in a glass building we think is the highest bar in the world with 360 degrees view of Galway... followed by dinner which of course was beef and guiness stew- very yum indeed, We are bringing back the recipe of course.

scene from Scarrif Inn      
Today we travelled the ring of Kerry. Prior to that we visited Adare to see some gorgeous thatched cottages, They are quite beautiful and quaint. We lunched at Scarrif Inn that overlooked a glorious scenery. The whole Kerry Ring journey was totally glorious. Then we went for a jaunty ride on a a jaunting cart which was really great experience.
Thatched roof cottages at Adare

The jaunting cart

In the jaunting cart we visited Killarney National Park and saw Ross Castle and some lovely scenery.
Ross Castle
swans on the river

On the river at the national park

Last night we attended a traditional Irish celebration held at Bunratty Folk Park:
Irish music
Irish songs
Irish dancing
Irish stew
honey mead
Bailey's Irish cream
A truly wonderful night.

The best of this part of our holiday so far has been here in Ireland, It is just such a beautiful place, We've met such beautiful people. Today we met some people  from another tour, who shared our lunch table, also Australians from South Australia. We've come thousands of miles across the world to meet up with other fellow Australians. What a wonderful world we live in. We wish you peace- the same peace we are experiencing is this beautiful part of the world.,,, pass it on. C

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Another magic day.

From My Travels

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
I have 100% of the rest of my life to live.

Today is a lovely sunny day - still not warm, but much more conducive to lifted spirits
We arrived in Dublin after a 31/2 journey in a really huge ferry boat.

Our first stop after leaving Wrexham in Wales was at Llangotten.
Everywhere we go it is 20p ...2p. One place it was50p.
a narrow boat travelling on a canal

Here we saw colourful narrow boats that travel on the canals in many areas of the UK.. We encountered rain here again.
We visited a pretty little village with the strange name of Betswy- Co-ed
We visited shops and a very pretty park.... and this was where the sun made an appearance. Nigel bought a raincoat. So we knew this would be the time when the rain would disappear.
On the next part of our journey we encountered bike riders, high mountains. deep valleys, hikers, slate mining, and a large lake.This was the Snowdonia region of Wales. Mt. Snowdon is the highest peak.
And on to that town with the very long name with the weirdest meaning. It was very pretty also.

The town with longest name and the weird meaning

We crossed the Menai Strait to the Isle of Anglesey where Prince William flies a rescue helicopter. He and Kate have a home here. And down to the Port of Holyhead to catch our ferry to Ireland.
 Tonight we are staying at Jurys Inn which is opposite Christchurch Cathedral -Anglican denomination. We have been out to look at the Cathedral (it is massive ) and post some postcards.
Our hotel room is very nice and inviting. We will be staying here for two nights, At 9pm. the sun is still shining brightly.

What was good today?
Visiting the place with the very long name and weird meaning.
What I was grateful for.
 That our journey so far has been a safe and interesting one.
God in my life
Sunshine, nice travelling companions, getting to visit the Cathedral, the man who told us where we could post our postcards.
So we have once again had a delightful day. It is great to be able to share with you Wish you were here to share it personally.
Christchurch Cathedral
God bless. c

Friday, 15 June 2012

Another new day

At the entrance to Hadrians Wall
A view of the remaining wall

At Edinburgh Castle

        From My Travels

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
 I have 100% of the rest of my life to live

Today,June 14, we arrived in Edinburgh Scotland- Adam's birthday. Happy birthday Adam.It was a beautiful sunny day- great for lifting ones spirits.
The bus we travel in.

On that day the first place we visited was Hadrians Wall, which was built by Hadrian in about the first century. There's not much of the wall left. It used to be 73miles long, We saw it at a place called Heddon - on- wall. 

At the Scottish border

Jedburgh Abbey ruins
We also visited Abbey ruins at Jedburgh and Melrose. Both very beautiful.There was a really lovely garden at Melrose as well. I liked these ruins better than Edinburgh Castle
Melrose Abbey ruins
Harmony Cottage

We arose this morning to drizzling rain. But it didn't daunt us. We went to explore Edinburgh. At Edinburgh Castle there was so much history. Edinburgh is a very old city. Travelling around the city is slow going. It's good we are on holidays and not in a hurry.
 Last night we went to traditional Scottish entertainment: bagpipes, sword and highland dancing, singalong, piping in the haggis, haggis tasting -great night out.Tonight we are having dinner on the royal yacht Britannia.

Everyday brings a new experience, some where new to explore, new people to meet.
I guess that's what experiencing new cultures is all about. Great to be part of it.

Keep good. Keep positive, Pass it on... C

Sunday, 10 June 2012

new Experiences

Outside the Eiffel Tower restaurant
With Yeoman Of the guard, Phil, at London Tower   

 On the steps of St.Paul's Cathedral  


     From My Travels

Today is the first day of the rest of my life

I have 1005 of the rest of my life to live.

Well, what an exciting time we have had so far.
Arrive in London Saturday lunch,Saturday night. travelled by tube underground to 
"The Lion King"- fabulous show.
Tour of London Sunday- tower of London- crown jewels, changing of the guard at Buck Palace , Her Majesty's Life guards, St, Paul's Cathedral,a boat ride on the river Thames, a ride on the London Eye. Fish and chips for lunch,Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Tower Bridge. Sore legs that day.
Tour of Paris Monday, Lunch at the Eiffel Tower, a ride in the Euro Star under the English Channel- 21/2 hour trip each way,Notre Dame', the Louvre' to visit Mona and Venus- absolutely huge place.
Today,Tuesday, on tour to Hampton Court, Oxford, Stratford - on- Avon, and st
Loads of rain other than in Paris where it was sunny,
We are being positive and looking forward to sunshine ... tomorrow.The place is just so green.
This not my usual blog, A long way from my garden. Took some lovely photos of roses at Hampton Court. Roses grow really well here.

 This has been a fabulous experience so far, I have learned so much. The world is a wonderful exciting place. People are very exciting and nice. History is such an exciting place to be part of. I'm so lucky to have this wonderful chance to enjoy other cultures. 

Thank you world for sharing your wonders with me.C                            

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Living the rest of life....

"Toady"- a present from my kids - a long time ago.
Beauty in his "ugliness"!

From My Garden

For the rest of my life:
Especially I will be unafraid
to enjoy what is beautiful in each day.
I will believe, that as I give to the world
the world will give to me.
And.... I have 100% of the rest of my life to live.....
 a lovely long to live by this code.

Positive productive and peaceful

In the chook house

From My Garden

Each day I plan what I need to do for the day.
I don't always follow my plan exactly but I have it.
I will save myself from two enemies - hurry and indecision.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Love for self and others

The moon taken the night before the venus eclipse.
This doesn't do justice to the real beauty .

From My Garden

Today, I wll not find fault with friends,relatives,family or work
colleagues.I will not try to change or improve anybody but myself.

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Respect for self and others

                                          Rainbow lorikeets feeding from the bird feeder.

                                     From My Garden

                                     Today I will be agreeable all day. I will look my best. I will
                                     speak with a kind , modulated voice, and be courteous and
                                     considerate to every person that I meet during ny journey
                                                                  through this day.

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Improving the mind and talent

Welcome to my home

                                       From My Garden

                                                    Just for today I will improve my mind.
                                                     I will learn something new  that requires
                                                     effort, thought and concentration and
                                                            a little bit of a challenge.