Treasures In The Garden
What can we do.......
As we start a new year
untouched and unmarred,
Unblemished and flawless,
unscratched and unscarred,
May we try to do better
and accomplish much more
And be kinder and wiser
than in the year just gone before-
Let us wipe our slates clean
and start all over again,
For this privilege has been given to all sincere (wo)men
who will humbly
admit they have failed in some ways
But are willing to try to improve these "new days"
By asking God's in all that they do
And counting on God to refresh and renew
Their courage and faith when things go wrong
And the way seems scarey and dark
and the road rough and long-
What can we do
when the year is so new?
The choice is ours
Helen Steiner Rice
....... To make our new year better?
My word for today is CHOICES!"