Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Different Needs

Treasures In The Garden

Sometimes people's needs.......


People don't always need our advice.
 Sometimes what people need is
a hand to hold,an ear to listen and hear,
and an understanding, and loving heart.

....... are not we perceive them to be.


My word for today is "LISTEN!"

Saturday, 19 April 2014

The treasure of love

Treasures In The Garden

Keeping loved ones always in our hearts and minds.........


Those we love
don't go away...
they walk beside us every day.......
unseen, unheard,
but always near,
still loved,
still missed,
still thought about,
 and still very dear.

....... keeps their love always close to us.


My word for today is "LOVE!"

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Dreams of LOVE

Treasures In The Garden


Keeping our dreams alive....... 

There are often moments in life
when someone we care about
 can be missed so much
that we just want to pick them up
from our dreams
and hug them for real.

....... with memories of those we love and miss in our daily life.


My word for today is"MEMORIES!" 



Friday, 11 April 2014

touching Lives

Treasures In The Garden


Finding the goodness in all people we meet in our daily living.......


We don't
meet people 
just by accident
They are meant to 
touch our lives
for some specific reason.

may be a challenge that can add dimension to our own lives.

My word for today is "CHALLENGE!"

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Sharing with Nature

Treasures In The Garden

Take time to look around ourselves .........

In the garden
nature will share
her secrets of peace,
 calm and serenity.

and enjoy the beauty that nature shares with us for free.


My word for today is "NATURE!"