Saturday, 30 June 2018

You be the Judge

No intention for infringement of copyright

Life's Judgments

Of all the judgments we pass in life

none is more important

than the judgment we pass on ourselves.
                                                                                    Nathamiel Brandon

We are our own biggest critics .

Today I chose to live with love and joy in my heart.

My word for today is " JUDGMENTAL."

Mean Beans

No copyright infringement intended

Joke of the week.
 I always intend to share the joke in our newsletter every week.

But I usually get busy and FORGET.

So this is this weeks: clean and funny:

A teacher asked her students to use the word "beans" in a sentence.

" My Father eats beans,", said one girl.

" My Mother cooks beans," said a boy.

A third student spoke up. "We are all human beans."

Kids always say the best things.

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

A High- tech Psalm

No Infringement intended

The Lord is my programmer,

I shall not crash.

He installed His software

on the hard disc of my heart;

all his commands are user- friendly

His directory guides me to the right

choices for his name sake.

Even though I scroll through the

problems of life, I will fear no bugs,

for He is my backup.

His password protects me.

He prepares a menu before me

in the presence of my enemies

His help is only a keyboard away.

Surely goodness and mercy

will follow me all the days of my life

And my file will be merged

with His and saved forever.
                            Author Unknown

Even technology can be linked to God.

Worth thinking about.