Monday, 30 April 2012

Joy in all things new

From My Garden

I flow with what's happening in the moment.

That is where I am happiest- not behind in the past with sad memories Not in the future. I don't know what's ahead. But right now I am happy.

Hello Sunshine!

Today is the first day of the rest of my life

I am always presented with wonderful, new opportunities.

Today started out with loads of sunshine. What a brilliant way to start the day. Sunshine makes me feel energetic, enthusiastic, motivated. As the day moved on it became cooler and overcast.

Today was a work day for me. I had 12 children to look after, after school. We were involved with computer games, dress ups, Mother's day craft, and starwars characters, Wow! The time simply flew. Before I knew where we were, parents were collecting children and i only had to clean up and go home.

And now I'm in the midst of cooking dinner-  Pork and ginger stirfry and rice.

I wish you peace and joy and happiness. C

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Joy In All Things New

   From My Garden

I choose to feel
good about myself
every day.
This is a new
habit for me
to cultivate.

Another Sunny Sunday

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

I am a
radiant being,
enjoying life to the fullest.

Wow! I had the very best sleep last night. How I managed that I do not know. But I feel absolutely refreshed and wonderful. 

Had to dash off to church. My foster daughter had to be picked up on the way. So needed to leave a little earlier than usual. Today as well as being the 4th Sunday after Easter it is also the Sunday of the Good Shepherd, and the 5th Sunday of the month. Today we sang the gorgeous psalm "The Lord is My Shepherd", which always brings tears to my eyes. We had a very big congregation which is so wonderful for our little church. Today Danielle rang the bell for the consecration. That hasn't happened in a very long time. It makes it so much more holy when the bell is rung. Since we no longer have altar servers the bell ringing has not been happening. It was a lovely change.

We went to morning tea after church. There was a big roll up there too - 2 tables of people- which is very good indeed. Savoury muffins, and scones, jam and cream, were the yummy fare this morning, provided by different women in our church each week after 9.30am. Mass. (I was good. I only had a cup of coffee). A nice chance for like minded people to get together. This morning they held a birthday celebration for Michael's 80th birthday.

 This afternoon I took in shorts and undies. Since so much weight has been lost, pants don't stay up. Did another page of my son's scrapbook I am doing for his birthday. I need to hurry to get it done by the end of May. I won't have any more time after that. Each page takes a very long time to do, from choosing photos, having them printed up, decorating the page in the theme of that page. I really like doing scrapbooking. But the job is always fraught with memories and tears of happy times past. But that is all  part of doing such a project. And... I even got some time in the garden. I started to weed my cactus garden. I should have taken my secateurs with me to cut away some of the jungle- well, next time, maybe. 

I watched a replay of "New Tricks" while I sewed.

What was good today?
The sunshine, the morning tea with nice people, good conversation, gardening, scrapbooking

What I was grateful for today:
A good night's sleep. Danielle ringing the bell at church reviving an old tradition.

God in my life.
Going to church, being with like minded people, singing, prayer and my 'little white book'

And so to end another positive, productive day. Peace to all and to all a good night. C

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Joy in all things new

From My Garden

Life is
never stuck, stagnant,or
stale. Each moment is
ever new and fresh.

A Rainy Day

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

My life gets more fabulous each day as
 I look forward to what new experience
each day new day will bring.

Today we have rain- glorious rain. It is falling steadily and constant. We see so little rain in our area of the country. It is always a Godsend whenever it arrives. This downfall began as we went to bed at about 9.45 pm last night and  has not stopped since then. Eventhough I water the garden, it does not respond the way it does whe rain falls.

We had a conversation with our son and his wife who are this week in Calgary in Canada. Our son is in Canada for work but he is also catching up with a school friend and his wife while they have the opportunity to be in Canada and so close. It's so wonderful to have skype that enables us to keep in touch no matter where he is in the world

So the good thing from today is that our son spoke to us today. We got our grocery shopping done. I had a an enjoyable half hour at gym this morning.

What I am grateful for today is that rain is falling on my garden -  and skype.

God in my life today is the rain that is falling, cool weather, money to buy food, good and plenty food to eat, my little white book I read for 6 minutes each night and my prayers I say each day.

"God of peace, bring your peace to our violent world. " Pope Benedict XVI when he visited Ground Zero on April 20 2008 -  where 2,750 beautiful people needlessly lost their life September 11 2001.
He also said: " Peace in the hearts of all men and women and peace among all nations of the earth."
Peace be with you .C

Friday, 27 April 2012

Thursday, 26 April 2012

From My Garden

I move beyond old limitations
and now express  myself
freely and creatively.

A Sunny Day

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

I am enthusiastic about life.
I am filled with energy and

Today was positive and productive! Good stuff!

We went off early to mow two lawns. What a good mow. They looked so beautiful when we had finished. That's the good part about doing that sort of work. You can see improvement in a short amount of time.

The sun came out today after a few days of being overcast. The world seemed so much more beautiful. I felt so much happier looking out at lovely bright sunshine. We had our first really cold day today. I wore a warm shirt and long pants most of the day. Had lots of wood chopped today. I helped stack it ready for our fire when it gets really cold. I love our fire in winter. It makes our living area so toasty and warm. We don't even notice when it is cold outside. I love winter here because I can own lots of winter clothes, warm hats,overcoats, scarves. I didn't own any of those things before we came here. So my wardrobe has expanded.

Of course I spent more time in the garden with my favourite job - pruning. I pruned the other jasmine tree, and all my branches from yesterday and today were mulched to put on my garden. I try not to waste anything, including the dust from the wood chop and the tiny chips that fly off the wood. All get dug into the soil. My Mum always said "waste not want not." Not sure that is what happens, but my conscience always feels good when I can use as much as I can.  

And I spent time watering the second half of my garden. We have been promised rain for the weekend and early next week That will be lovely. I'm sure my garden will be grateful for a lovely drop of H20 au naturale.

Well after such a good day I should sleep like a top. Have to be positive about things, now.

So I wish you all joy and peace . C

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Happy In The Moment


The joy I find in my garden is reflected in my overall happiness.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012


Good morning!

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

Each day is a new opportunity.
Yesterday is over and done.
Today is the first day of my future.

We attended the ANZAC march and wreath laying ceremony. A wonderful crowd attended and honoured our brave Defence Personnel.... people are honoured, not the glory of war. Yes Mrs. Clinton, not many Australians have been killed in Afghanistan, compared to USA Troops killed there.... but to we, who are waiting for our children, husbands, fathers, wives,friends, relatives to come home, one killed is too many. For a little town, our Defence Personnel  were done proud. The nicest part is the children who have not known the effects of war, but who  were so reverent and proud in honouring our fallen and veterans of all the wars that affected our Australian and New Zealand Defence Personnel. They will be the ones to continue to remember the courage of those brave people. The sun came out briefly during the wreath laying. I felt my heart lift with the brilliant light that shone for that short time.

The Airforce plane flew over as the march approached the cenotaph ...guess who cried!
 The vets marched past  proudly wearing their Service Medals..... guess who cried again!
The last post was played...... and yes I did it again! 
What a beautiful moving ceremony. The Baptist Minister gave the religious part of the ceremony.  How moving can the 23rd psalm and the Lord's prayer be when said so reverentlly..... two readings that all Christian denominations can be united in. How moving that we all celebrated those precious live

Last night I spoke to our son. It is always lovely to have a conversation. We do get along so well. It's just a shame we so often don't communicate. Our blogs are now linked ,and each morning  I can look out of his window with him, and hopefully soon, he will be able to share my garden with me in the same way. I love our garden. Gardening is so good for the soul. I try to spend some time there each day. Even if it is only on the deck amongst my pot plants and hanging baskets while I am drinking my chai latte.

And I spoke to my sister, who rings me every second week. We usually speak for an hour in her "my hour" which is free. I have that too on my mobile but for some reason I have this problem initiating a conversation. I'm fine if someone rings me or I pluck up the courage to make the first move. So I write letters, (which our children seem to hate. So they don't answer in any form at all eventhough they spend so much time on computers, mobiles, land lines).  And my sister always has news of the family which is so good. Sometimes the news is good and sometimes not so good. This week it was positive. So of course I am praying for that to continue. She has two beautiful, very young, Great Grand Children that she shares with me each time she rings, which I really appreciate.

So the world is alright. So full of kind caring, people. And that is God in our life! How lucky to be touched by God so many times in a day.  For that I say thank you God for touching my life so often.

So dear world, I hope your life is touched by God as many times as mine is each day. The world would be so much richer for having had that loving touch. Don't forget, that each time our children kiss us or tell us they love us.... That is God touching our lives...Pass it on! C.

The Defence Personnel in my life.


My Uncle Ernie Bemnnedick

My Uncle Frank Bennedick

My Dad James Bennedick

My husband Nigel Young

My Aunty Clarice

Positive Day

And hello, on this great Tuesday!
Once again, today is the first day of the rest of my life!

And I am being positive and productive in today's journey through my life.

I let go of all negativity that rests in my body and mind.

Well what a productive day.
I did more than I planned to do. That is so great.

The sky is still overcast. We still haven't had any rain other than a few spots here and there. But I know God is going to send some soon. He's not going to let my garden keep looking so drak.

We mowed a lawn. It's quite a big lawn and we have to look after the garden too. But when it is finished the yard just looks so good. And I did my favourite part of gardening....pruning. That improves a garden so much. Came home feeling elated. So.... I did the ride on mowing in our yard. But no, I didn't stop there! I pruned the jasmine tree and got 2 barrow loads of branches  from there. Was I finished yet... oh no! I pruned all my cactus pot plants and geraniums and repotted aother plant. And then I had to finish because I received a reward of a beautiful, yummy pear and kiwi fruit SMOOTHIE!
Then after all that grubby work, I had a shower, washed my hair, scrubbed my nails and felt thoroughly wonderful! And just for good measure I did a workout on my abs pro machine and some weights for my arms and some toe touching, and then I came to do my blog.

And 2 good things that happened this morning...... well 3 really! Received the itinerary for our day tour of London and our day tour of Paris. And.... I booked tickets to see "Lion King" in London on June 9th. and lucky last, I weighed in at 88.3kg., the lightest I have been in 10years. Whowee!

And the only planned thing in amongst all that was mow the first lawn.

I think that was pretty good day, don't you?

I wish eveybody in the world peace and happiness and a day full of love. C

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Back home

Since we,ve been back home there has been very little sunshine. I need sunshine to brighten up my day and my outlook. It will brighten if we get some rain. Rain to water my garden is always a positive outcome.

My heart is open. I speak with loving words.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

 We have made a bag for our first aid  items for when we travel.  I am trying to have things as light as possible. We have to take medication and vitamins, and all the bits and pieces for our camera and computer, as well as our clothes. I am a heavy packer with clothes and shoes. It's hard to be sensible with packing when things will be so different from being at home and if I need something it won't look like what I would get at home- may not even be called the same thing. That happens here in other states in Australia, So I can imagine what it will be like in a foreign country. That's the kind of stuff that makes me homrsick and  we will be gone for such a long time.

 I am excited about seeing new places, especially Holland where our beautiful daughter- in law was born, making our grand children part dutch as well as Australian. On our side of the family our grand children are 6th generation Australian and on their Mother's side they are first generation. What a rich heritage they have. Mine is very rich too thanks to my cousin's research. How grateful I am to my cousin's efforts to give us this wonderful proud knowledge.

The fog has gone and the sun has come out. What a difference the light has given to the day.

 husband's work shorts wrote lots of letters, letters, posted my letters, started a chain scarf I found instructions for in the new BHG magazine { I can use up some of my wool leftover from other knitting projects), watched" Marley and Me", a movie starring Jennifer Aniston, which  I enjoyed. So now I feel I had a positive day with all those projects completed.

 So on to having the rest of my day continue in a positive vein. Hoping that everybody else has a positive and peaceful, loved filled day too. C

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

A wonderful Day

Hello wonderful world!
Today has been pretty wonderful for me!

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

Life mirrors my every thought.
As I keep my thoughts positive,
life brings me only good experiences.

Today has been a day of sunshine fun and new experiences.
We travelled to Pittsworth yesterday. It was a good trip over. We got a lovely camp site at a very nice van park right opposite the unit where our travelling companions stayed. We had a heavy downpour late in the day. That curtailed our exploring. We did find a couple of op-shops, the Art Gallery, the postoffice, a historical village. We planned to go back today, which we did quite happily in the beautiful sunshine.

We shopped for bargains at the op- shops for plants, scarves, belts, fancy plant pots. The Art Gallery was great as well. I met a lady who likes to travel too. She and her husband are going west in 3 weeks and to Africa later in the year. Our companions met a lady who came from the Blue Mountains area where they originally came from. And we bought a card with picture the same as an original painting by a local artist.

 From there we went to the historical village. We meet a man who showed us round the village . That made the visit interesting and enjoyable. We learnt a lot about Pittsworth and its history. The village was extremely well kept. People were working on displays within the village. I guess that's why it looks so well kept.

After a picnic lunch at Rotary Park we went to Millmerran. It was 42 km from Pittsworth. Lovely scenery on the way. Huge cotton crops along the way too. The sky was so blue. The clouds were like huge cotton balls just hanging without the slightest movement. There must have been no wind to keep them so still. Millmerran was really different town from Pittsworth. It didn't look quite so well kept. But we did enjoy the murals on different buildings depicting the history of the town, And the find of the day was All Saints Church which was very old with beautiful stained glass windows, and graves all round the building.Took lots of photos.

Tonight I watched "Wildest Africa"

What was good today?
All the interesting things we saw. The lovely friendly people we met.

What I was grateful for today.
Getting to all the places and back again safely.

God in my life.
Beautiful sunshine. Lovely company. Prayer. Positive thoughts.

So to the end of another wondrous day. Peace to all peoples on Earth. C  


Monday, 16 April 2012

Another Day

Hello, Great world!
Another wonderful day!

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

Life is very simple.
What I give out comes back to me
Today I choose to give love.

Today began with an early visit to the dentist. Now you would think that wasn't so good. But my my dentist is young which is nice to start off with. And he is very kind. He explains all the procedures that wil follow. He makes me feel comfortable and I feel cared for. Yes, the needle hurt. But that was for only a short while. My mouth became numb, and my filling was done very quickly, and it was all over and I was out of there in 20 minutes.

I realised last night that It is my Grand daughter's birthday on Tuesday - a very special birthday, 13years old, a teenager- and I hadn't bought her a birthday present for this very special day. So I quickly raced out and got her earings and studs at the jewellers. The man there was so kind. He helped me sort out how much money I would need to send for ear piercing, wrapped the gift in gift wrapping, gave me an envelope to send the present in, gave me seniors discount and was thoroughly pleasant and obliging. I went to the postoffice to send my gift. I couldn't send it express in the packet the jeweller gave me and had to send my tiny parcel in a huge bag. I am praying that my darling grand daughter will get her gift in Melbourne tomorrow.

And then my cousins arrived. Well, we have done nothing but chatter since then. We've been out to dinner at the RSL in our nearby big town to celebrate Judy's birthday which is also tomorrow. And would you believe... it is my sister's 48th wedding anniversary  tomorrow as well.  So it will be a very special day all round.

We didn't watch TV tonight. We were too busy chatting.

What was good today?
Having my dentist fit me in to have my tooth fixed, getting my grand daughter's gift bought and away, having my cousins visit.

What I was grateful for today
Having my tooth filled with very little drama, and the very nice man at the jewellers who was so helpful and kind.

God in my life
All the good  and positive things that happened to me today, lovely weather, prayer.

And so another day is going to end, hopefully with peace and goodwill becoming a reality all
 round the world, with everybody having a good night's rest. Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me

Good night! C.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

A new week begins

Good Morning, Sunshine!
What a difference the bright shining sun makes to one's outlook - positive begins to look and feel differently. The same goes for a smile- not only does it light up a face, it lights up hearts too.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life!

I close my eyes, think positive thoughts, and breathe goodness in and out.

This morning was so pleasant. We had rain again last night. And when I awoke the birds were screeching loudly with joy of a new day , sunshine and - (lorikeets, and honeyeaters) scoring their hit of nectar from the native trees that grow all around us. And awakening joy in my heart  with their happy sounds.

Today we had Sunday Mass, the 2nd Sunday after Easter. The gospel was about good old doubting Thomas. He wasn't believing without seeing. Everybody knows about doubting Thomas. Many of us know a doubting Thomas. Doubt no more my friends: being positive is going to make our lives light up like sunshine and beautiful smiles.

I am also reading "You Can Create an exceptional life", by Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson. I do this whenever I stop for a cuppa or a meal. Today I found some really inspiring words that I want to share. I'm sure those ladies won't mind if I share their inspirational vocabulary. I love words especially inspiring ones.
Simplicity- focusing on small and manageable steps instead of making things complicated
Optimism - placing attention and energy on solutions rather than sweating out problems
Patience - Experiencing the journey fully and conciously rather than rushing  to achieve the end result
Trust - Learn to trust life. Perceive the perfection and opportuinity for growth in everything we experience.
Growth - See our life as a classroom where we use our experiences as reason for change and self realisation
Service - Honing in more on how to help others in need, rather than focus in on our own search for success
Action - Committing to being there and walking through the doors of opportuinity that open for us in the Journey of life
Faith - Be willing to take a risk and move forward without knowing the end result
MAGNETISM - Develop and tap into the ability to attract what we need by placing and keeping ourselves in the right state of mind
 I can do that! 

Tonight I watched "Dancing with the stars" Pretty good for the first night/

What was good today?
The sunshine and bird song

What I was grateful for today
The rain held off for our 4 mows today

God in my life
Attending Mass this morning, Joyful hymns, taking Eucharist,

Reading my son's blog today about leaving his family to go back to work in another city. I could tell he was going to miss them.  I miss my family. They are all grown up with families of their own. I have the memories of how much fun it was. Memories help me to be positive and be happy in the moment.
And so to the end of another good day. Peace be with you. May God wrap you in His love. C

Saturday, 14 April 2012

At Week's End

Hello, World!
 Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

I am grateful for being alive today. It is a joy and pleasure to live another wonderful day.

Well, it's been another very good day.
The weather has been overcast and we've had some rain. But it hasn't prevented anything from happening. Even the local show is still in progress. Lots of cars still there. So the spirits of the show goers haven't been dampened.

 Our workout at gym was a huge success. I improved on my last performance there. So that's something to be delighted with. Sarah joined up with a gym membership. She has lost a bit of weight. So here's hoping that will continue for her. Our only disappointment for the day was that the shoe shop wasn't open to get Sarah new runners, but we can fit that in later in the week.

 We got all our projects for the day finished. The first one was the gym workout. The second was to mow the grass at the garage... all done and dusted. A really great mow. The third one was to iron all the clothes in the ironing basket. Got that done too and watched the movie"Gosford Park" at the same time. How's that for 'killing two birds with one stone'? Or is that being multi-tasked! And the fourth one was to attend a combined Church Parish meeting- Nanango and Kingaroy Parishes. That was pretty successful too. Good part was seeing old friends and meeting new people.

At the end of my day I watched" New Tricks" on TV. Some fuddy duddy old fogies who solve cold cases
 I am reading "Blood Orchids" by  Toby Neal on my E -Reader
It's a murder mystery set in Hawaii
What was good today?
My session at the gym, and getting all my planned projects completed

What I am grateful for today
That I remained positive for the most part

God in my life
Good health, happy in the moment, varied day, PPC meeting, Prayer

And now to bed to continue to read my book and to have a good night's sleep.
God bless this wonderful world. Please send peace to all countries in the world. C

Friday, 13 April 2012

Today Again

When I wake in the morning I plan for a good day. My anticipation will attract good experiences for me.

At the end of my day today I watched "Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries". Love her and her funny stories She is so risque! Oh, to have been like that. Life might have been more exciting! Can't

What was good in the day gone past?
Well.... I completed the few projects that I had planned for today including starting this blog, dusting my bedroom and the spare bedroom and did my bit for the community and mowed the lawn at our church. I have become quite proficient at mowing on the ride- on-- something I have learned since coming to live in Nanango.

What I was grateful for today....
Well... I am still alive for another day. Life is too wonderful not to be here enjoying what life has to offer,

God in my life---
I find God in my family ( God is love). I love my family. I find God in the landscape, the beautiful blue sky, the fluffy white clouds flying by, bird song, gentle breezes, a job well done in mowing the church lawn. in prayer.

I am feeling excited. I finished my alpaca jumper tonight. I only have to sew it together and I can wear it. Just in time for winter. I only need to purchase a shirt to match the colour (grape)  and I'll be all set for the cold weather

I am looking forward to another exciting, productive day tomorrow. I anticipate waking to a brand new day and some more different experiences.

Until tomorrow when I once again begin the first day of the the rest of my life. I love life. C.

Thursday, 12 April 2012


Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
I want to begin my day with wth a happy outlook.   
So when I awake I want to have positive thoughts that will set me up to enjoy my entire day regardless of the night I have experienced beforehand.

  I only want to look at the good aspects  of what has occured for me throughout the day just passed. I envisage that the content and presentation of my blog will change as my attitude becomes more positive.

I want to look at :
What I watched on TV today
What I read
What was good today?
What I was grateful for today
God in my life.
An affirmation pertaining today.
The special things that have moved or inspired me today.
The inspiring people in my life
Sometimes even inspiring words