Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Love life's dance

Treasures In The Garden

Choosing to Love and take a chance.......

Yes, it is this very simple
choose Love, and take a chance
Zest for Love and sharing that Love
 and what we have to share,
 will lead us in Life's wonderful dance.

The verses I have shared in the last couple of weeks have come from a card, written by Suzanna Michaelis, and given to me for my my birthday from my wonderful children Bek and Christian whom I love dearly.
Hope you liked and appreciated as much as I did.

........will lead us on a merry dance! 

Coming through loud and clear.......

Treasures In The Garden


It really is the same old message.......


Understand this message-
there is only Love and fear
 View your life with kindness-
let struggles disappear.

.......the one that makes the world go round.......

"Love one another"
Love of self and share with others- 
get rid of that fear!
Decide love is for you and be set FREE!    

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Laughter is medicine

Treasures In The Garden

Making laughter part of daily activity.......

Stop worrying- start living
explore possibilities in unknown lands
Take time for yourself 
- and laugh each day -
 life's gifts are in YOUR hands.

.......helps us heal in a pleasant way! 

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Be serious about living

Treasures In The Garden

Throw your old assumptions into the wind.......


Question all your assumptions-
 then throw them all away
Realise there's truth in this-
"Love IS the only way!"

.......and indulge in the gift of Love- 

Love of self and Love of others  

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Peace of mind

Treasures In The Garden


Peace be with you.......


Open up the doors you've closed-
let all those judgments go,
Peace of mind will come gently
when Love is all that you know.

.......to help us to begin the healing journey!  

Wednesday, 24 April 2013


Treasures In The Garden


Having freedom of spirit .......


Melt all hardness of heart
soften up the edges,
 let yourself just be
Now, at this very moment-
Love can set you free!

....... brings with it lightness of heart!   



Lest we forget

Treasures In The Garden


25th April 2013


Nanango, Qld. Australia.


Ode to the Fallen


"They went with songs to battle,
They were young,
 Straight of limb, true of eye,
Steady and aglow,
They were staunch to the end,
 Against odds encountered. 
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old.

Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn.
 At the going going down of the sun, and in the morning:

We will remember them." 

"We will remember them"

"Lest we forget"


Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Choosing which direction to follow

Treasures In The Garden


Following the right road on life's journey.......


Kindness is the answer

the very best path to choose

Loving with all of our heart and soul,

 there's only fear to lose.


.......can only lead to happiness of the best kind!  




Monday, 22 April 2013

Take the hand of friendship

Treasures In The Garden

Love received in friendship.......

Invite a friend to walk a while with you,
to take a journey somewhere new
Just take each other by the hand
and decide that Love is right for you.

.......is a special kind of love! 


Sunday, 21 April 2013

Healing the heart

Treasures In The Garden

Giving up the bad stuff.......


Give up old resentments, grudges, inner pain
let go of all that stuff....
Heal the heart with happiness-
Love can really be enough.

.......can let the healing begin within.


Saturday, 20 April 2013

Have goodtimes with your friends

Treasures In The Garden


Encouraging friends to eat good food too.......


Feed your friends good food with tenderness,
 gratefulness, encouragement and fun.

.......so they too can share in good health and well being.


There's nothing like a meal shared with friends, laughter and story telling,
to bring lightness of heart and happiness to being together.    




Gratefulness for good food

Treasures In The Garden

Gratitude for abundant and good food.......


Eat good food with gratefulness,
 for the earth for the rain and the sun.

 ....... thankfulness that food is readily available. 


How lucky we are to live in a land of plenty, Where we can grow the freshest of foods right in our own backyard, Where sunshine is plentiful, where rain is readily available, where we have fresh clean water on tap, where we have a health system to help us maintain a good level of health. Where we have freedom to live our lives in a healthy manner.  

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Put joy into your day

Treasures In The Garden

We can spice up our life........


Do even the littlest things with BIG Love -
This will bring much joy your way.

....... by choosing the smallest of deeds!


And choosing to do these small deeds for our own personal self praise is much more rewarding than announcing what we have done from the mountain tops, - making the inner  joy we feel more meaningful.


Positive  peaceful  productive!





Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Start each day anew

Treasures In The Garden


Making each day a cause for celebration.......


Celebrate each new morning-
Give thanks for each new day!

.......will lead to a positive start to the journey through each and every brand new day!


Positive.... Peaceful..... Productive. 
 Make each day, the first day, of the rest of your life! 




Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Believe in miracles

Treasures In The Garden

If only we would believe.......

Believe that's your life is a miracle-
and you have your part to play.

.......and join the game of life!


Monday, 15 April 2013

Love is what we need

Treasures In The Garden

 Back home in Oz
New Computer

Made with Love

Allow yourself a little time
To let love come your way.

Being positive begins with love of self

 and then we can share our love with others.