Sunday, 30 June 2013

You Choose

Treasures In The Garden


Everything you go through ....... grows you!

When we make a choice to LOVE
Forgive, be joyful, and at peace,
 We create a perfect setting 
for our mind, body, and emotions
 To heal.
 We are all in this together!

Let us help each other.

                             Soul Writings


Love is the bridge between YOU and EVERYTHING!

 My word for today "Choice!"

Sunday, 23 June 2013

The right time

Treasures In The Garden


Stay with what we know.......

One day ....
we will reach a time our life
 where the decision to remain with the familiar
or take a big risk
and try out one of our dreams.
We may be truly amazed at what we are capable of.....
....lets FLY!

....... or fly with one of our Dreams.......

My word for today is "Decisions".





Thursday, 20 June 2013

Rather sooner than later

Treasures In The Garden

Is it better to take the risk today.......

And a day may arrive
when the risk to remain
 tight and warm in our own little coocoon,
 will be greater than the risk 
we need to take to open our wings and FLY!

.......than to wait that little bit too long.....


My word today is "journey"

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Give up waiting

Treasures In The Garden

Don't put off till tomorrow.......


If we wait till we are ready
 we will be waiting
 for the rest of our lives.
                  My Everyday Power Blog

.......what you can do today.

My word for today is "Empowerment"!

Monday, 17 June 2013

Sharing the Caring

Treasures In The Garden

Don't keep the goodies to ourselves.......


Don't keep thankfulness to ourselves.
 Let the people close to us in our lives
know how we feel about them, OFTEN.
Sometimes the very best gift we can offer them 
is our love and positive energy.
                                                                   Everyday Power Blog

.......let's go out to share and give

 My word today is "Thankfulness"!


Wednesday, 12 June 2013

A Prayer for today

Treasures In The Garden


Dear God:

Let me not look back on
what I could have done........
But instead, let me look forward 
at what I still CAN do.

Rather than dreaming
 of what might have been .......
help me to have visions
of what I might BECOME.
Give to me greater dreams
for my present and future.

 Show me the battles 
You would have me fight.
Give me the strength and
  the will of mind and body
to continue fighting them
for all the days You have left for me.
                                                    The River Walk


My word for today is "gratitude."

Monday, 10 June 2013

Freedom from within

Treasures In The Garden


The importance of Laughter........


LAUGHTER is the melody,
Like a concert from within ones heart-
a  tiny tickling from the angels
a really creative piece of art.

LAUGHTER is a healer,
 and a comfort to us too-
sometimes it gentles us,
and sometimes it's very Bold.

LAUGHTER is a freedom dance,
performed from within our soul!
                                              Soul Writings lighten up our hearts.

Today's word  for me is "Freedom".

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Making it more than a journey

Treasures In The Garden

Being positive.......


If our thoughts are positive ones....
sounds become like hearing music,
our movements become like we are dancing,
our smiles turn into healing laughter
our minds become calm like meditation
.... and our life turns into a CELEBRATION!
                                                                   Soul Writings

.......expands our life into more than mere existence.


Thursday, 6 June 2013

Still on the journey

Treasures In The Garden


Beginning a new chapter .......

Today I will close the door on my past life,and..
 I will open another entrance to let  in a new life.
I breathe in a very deep breath of fresh air,
I step through that portal and..
 begin a new chapter in life's exciting journey!
                                                                             Soul Writings the journey called " LIFE"! 

Today's word is enthusiasm.

 I am a unique being!



Monday, 3 June 2013

Continuing the adventure

Treasures In The Garden


Never give up .......
no matter how tough things get!

.......Life is an Adventure!

Word for today: PEACE!

"I am EXTRAordinary"!

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Keep life moving.....

Treasures In The Garden


Moving in a positive direction:


Remember that you own your words!
Which of your words will you be today?


I am going to add PEACEFUL to my POSITIVE from the other day.

.......and saying that "I am extraordinary!"  each time

 I look at myself in the mirror---


                                                                                               Robin Moore