When we make a choice to LOVE Forgive, be joyful, and at peace, We create a perfect setting for our mind, body, and emotions To heal. We are all in this together!
One day .... we will reach a time our life where the decision to remain with the familiar or take a big risk and try out one of our dreams. We may be truly amazed at what we are capable of..... ....lets FLY!
And a day may arrive when the risk to remain tight and warm in our own little coocoon, will be greater than the risk we need to take to open our wings and FLY!
Let me not look back on what I could have done........ But instead, let me look forward at what I still CAN do.
Rather than dreaming of what might have been ....... help me to have visions of what I might BECOME. Give to me greater dreams for my present and future.
Show me the battles You would have me fight. Give me the strength and the will of mind and body to continue fighting them for all the days You have left for me. The River Walk
If our thoughts are positive ones.... sounds become like hearing music, our movements become like we are dancing, our smiles turn into healing laughter our minds become calm like meditation .... and our life turns into a CELEBRATION! Soul Writings
.......expands our life into more than mere existence.
Today I will close the door on my past life,and.. I will openanotherentrance to let in a new life. I breathe in a very deep breath of fresh air, I step through that portal and.. begin a new chapter in life's exciting journey! Soul Writings