Healthy Living With Nature
Being Healthy is an inside job....
Drinking is the way to go
It is important to drink at least 2 or 3 litres of water a day.
Hydration helps to flush out the kidneys and expel damaging toxins.
Dried fruit looks all shriveled, full of wrinkles and ugly. Our body reacts in the
same way when we fail to keep our bodies hydrated.
Move Baby Move
It is suggested that we need to move our bodies moderately for 30 to 60
minutes about 3 or 4 times in a week.
This will improve the heart and cardio fitness and reduce stress.
It will boost circulation and oxygen flow which leads to a clear and glowing
and builds and maintains bone and muscle density.
Sleep like a baby
We need 6 to 8 hours quality sleep every night
For bodies to work to their potential when we are awake or asleep - rise with
the sun and begin to wind down at sunset.
Ideally keep all technology out of the bedroom ( Phones, computers, tvs),
because these items send out electromagnetic radiation which interrupts sleep
duration and quality.(Nutrimetics Australia and New Zealand)
.......the CHANGE is up to YOU.
Make the choice now!