Saturday, 31 August 2013

Daddy's Delight


Walking In Dad's footsteps.......


"Walk a little slower Daddy", said a child
so small." I'm following in your footsteps and
I don't want to fall.

Sometimes your steps are very fast,
 Sometimes they're hard to see;
So walk a little slower Daddy,
 For you are leading me.

Someday when I'm all grown up,
You're what I want to be;
 Then I will have a little child
Who'll want to follow me.

And I would want to lead just right,
 And know that I was true;
So walk a little slower Daddy,
 For I must follow you." what little children do.



Monday, 26 August 2013

A matter of remembering

           Treasures In The Garden

    Reminding ourselves.......  


Everyday when we wake up
We need to remember we have been given
Only one life to
 Create all that we need
 Have all our needs granted
And become anything that we want to
And ....... contribute as much as we like.
                                                                   Jeff Moore

....... to contribute to life in order to receive back our chosen rewards.

  My word for today is "Rewards"!  


Friday, 23 August 2013

Getting Creative

Treasures In The Garden


Every moment in our lives.......


Creativity is a gift we have.
 Create many wonderful moments.
 Our life is our own work of art....
Moment by precious moment.
                                  Soul writings

....... is an opportunity to create something truly amazing for ourselves.


My word for today is "Creative!" 



Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Following along.......

Treasures In The Garden

Another to do list for today.......


Think positively
Breathe deeply
Live simply
Hug tightly
Give generously
Laugh loudly
Smile brightly
Love unconditionally
Speak kindly
Dream nightly.

                    Soul Writings keep on track of nurturing the soul.


My word for today is "nurturing"!


Sunday, 18 August 2013

Keeping Busy

Treasures In The Garden


To Do List.......


Move purposely
Encourage others
Take chances
Live in the moment
 Be kind
Fill your body with fuel
 Choose happy
 Challenge yourself
be you
                   The Happsters

....... and fill your life with possibilities and empowerment!


My word for today is "Empowerment"!

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

A joy to behold

Treasures In The Garden


Attitude of gratitude.......


If we look at what we
 have not got in life........
we don't have anything.

If we look at what we
do have in life .......
We have everything. is the key


My word for today is "Joy"!

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Beauty In the Eye of the Beholder

1 Peter 3:3


It is not fancy hair, gold jewellery, or fine
clothes that should make you beautiful.
" No, your beauty should come from
within you - the beauty of a gentle and
quiet spirit. This beauty will never disappear
and is worth MUCH MORE to GOD.

 Nothing can buy inner beauty.It is there naturally.

 Think of the time and money we have to expend to achieve outer beauty.

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Remembering the journey

Treasures In The Garden

Reminding myself.......


Life is a journey
Enjoy it slowly.

.......that the journey through life is not a race, and can be a time to be enjoyed at a more leisurely pace.

My word for today is "Enjoy"!

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Welcome home.......

Treasures In The Garden


Home is where ........


Home is where love resides,
 Memories are created,
Friends are always welcome,
And laughter never ends.

....... the heart belongs!


My word for today is "home"!

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Staying in focus

Treasures In The Garden


Moving with the flow.......


The secret of change
is to focus in all our energy
Not on fighting the old stuff,
 but improving and building on what is new!

.......and putting our own spin on how we could improve things!