Thursday, 26 September 2013

Focus in....

Treasures In The Garden


Focus in on the.......


Focus in on the opportunities
that exist in our life,
rather than the obstacles-
even in the most devastating situations
 we can possibly experience.

.......the positives that we find amongst the negatives.

 My word for today is"Focus!"  

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Joy is in the air

Treasures In The Garden

Being positive, peaceful and productive.......

You're worried about how you are going
to feel at the end of your life?
What about right now?
Right this minute.
That's where the joy is!
                                                           - Abigail Thomas

.......can open opportunities in the most unlikely places!


My word for today is "Opportunity!"

Thursday, 12 September 2013

The gratitude of happiness


Treasures In The Garden

Having an attitude of gratitude........


As we follow our daily journey
we need to recognise that
it is not happiness that
makes us be grateful.
 It is gratitude......
 that makes us feel happy.
                Brother David Steindl Rast

  .......leads us to benefits beyond belief!


My word for today is "Recognise!"

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

The Lord's Masterpiece



Interesting Item

The Lord was into his 6th day of overtime, creating Mothers, when an angel appeared to Him and said", You're doing a lot of fiddling around on this one."
"Have you seen the specifications on this order?" God asked. "She has to be completely washable but not made of plastic. She needs to have 180 moveable and replaceable parts,
 She must be able to run on black coffee and leftovers, have a lap that completely disappears when she stands up, and a kiss that can cure everything from a broken leg to a broken heart.
Oh, and six pairs of hands."
"Six pairs of hands?" said the angel. "No way!"
"Actually," said the Lord, "It's not the six pairs of hands that are causing the problem, it's the three pairs of eyes."
"That's on the standard model," said the angel and God nodded.
"One pair to see through closed doors and ask"What are you kids up to in there?, even though she already knows
Another pair in the back of her head so she can see things that she she really shouldn't see but needs to know about. And of course the eyes in the front that tells a child she loves them and understands even when they're in trouble, without uttering a word.
 "Lord," said the angel,"go to bed. Tomorrow is another day."
"I can't," said the Lord," I'm so close now. Already I have one that can heal herself when she's sick, feed a family of six on half a kilo of mince, and get an eight year old under the shower."
The angel circled the model very slowly. "It's too soft," she sighed.
"But tough,"said the Lord." you cannot imagine what this Mother can do or endure."
"Can it think?" asked the angel.
"Not only think,"replied the Lord." but reason and compromise as well!" 
Finally the angel bent over and ran a finger across a soft cheek.
"There's a leak," she said.
 "That's not a leak," said God. "It's a tear."
"WHat's it for?" asked the angel
" It's for joy, sadness, disappointment,pain, loneliness, and pride."
"You're a genius," said the angel.
And God smiled softly. Not for what he had accomplished but for the joy His creation would bring.

From one mother to another. I know  only a mother will understand the rigours and the joys of being a a MOTHER

.......there's nothing else that can compare! 

For the good of our health

Treasures In The Garden


Happiness in life.......


I have decided
that to be happy
 is so very good
for my health ....
and well being!
           Sobriety House

.......makes all the difference!


My word for today is "Health!"  



Sunday, 8 September 2013

Carry Sunshine with you

Treasures In The Garden


Spreading good cheer.......


Wherever you go,
 No matter what the weather,
 Always bring your own sunshine. always a great daily activity


My word for today is "cheer!"



Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Soul Searching

No Time, No Time....

I knelt to pray, but not for long.
 I had too much to do.
 I had to hurry and get to work, 
For bills would soon be due.
So I knelt and said a hurried prayer
 And jumped up off my knees. 
My Christian duty was now done.
 My soul could rest at ease....
All day long I had no time 
To spread a word of cheer.
 No time to speak of God to friends.
 They'd laugh at me I fear.

No time! No time! TOO MUCH TO DO!
 That was my constant cry, 
No time to give to souls in need
But.... at last the time to die.
 I went before the Lord,
 I came, I stood, with downcast eyes.
For, in His hands God held a book,
 It was the book of life.
God looked into His book and said:
"Your name I could not find.
I was going to write it down....
 But, I never found the time."

A positive pathaway


Treasures In The Garden


Being positive and happy.......


I choose the happiness way of life.
I will take the positive pathway. my choice, leading me too to a full and productive way of living.


My word for today is "Happiness!" 

Monday, 2 September 2013

Wistful Wishing

I wish for:

Comfort on days that are difficult,
Smiles when sadness intrudes,
Rainbows to follow clouds,
  Laughter to soothe yearning lips, 
Sunsets to warm aching hearts
Gentle hugs for sagging spirits,
 Friendship to brighten each day,
Beauty for longing eyes to observe,
 Confidence for when in doubt,
Faith to help flagging belief,
Courage to know our true selves,
Patience for acceptance of truth,
And LOVE to make life complete.
                                              Soul Writings



Treasures In The Garden


On the daily journey.......


It's not about the destination
but, about the actual journey
 we are moving through.
 But, then again, 
it's not all about the journey,
it's also about
who we make the journey with. 


.......we need to observe our surroundings 

and who our travelling companions are.


My words for today are "travelling companions!"