Thursday, 31 January 2013

Looking Within

Treasures In The Garden


It's the inside that counts


No matter what the outside of a person looks like,
 it's the inside that really matters.
 Inside each person is a  living, breathing,feeling human being,
 who is deserving of kindness, and compassion and acceptance.
 Let us open up our hearts.
 Look at what is really important for that person and inside that person.

Look past faults.
Find the beauty and goodness within.



Sunday, 27 January 2013

It's up to you

Treasures n The Garden

The Power Of One

One song can spark a moment, 
One flower can wake the dream,
 One tree can start a forest,
One bird can herald a spring.

One smile begins a friendship,
One handclasp lifts a soul.
One star can guide a ship at sea,
One word can frame the goal.

One vote can change a nation,
One sunbeam lights a room.
One candle wipes out darkness,
One laugh will conquer gloom.

 One step must start each journey,
 One word must start each prayer.
One hope will raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care.

One voice can speak with wisdom,
One heart can know what is true,
One life can make the difference,  
You see, it's up to you.
                                     "A world of stories for Teachers and Preachers"

The challenge is up to you! 




Saturday, 26 January 2013

Watching the waves

Treasures In The Garden


Dropping that kind word.....

Drop a pebble in the water- just a splash and it is gone.
But there's half a hundred ripples circling on and on and on.
They are spreading, spreading and the ripples rise and fall.
While the music of the swelling brings a thought for one and all.
As you watch the waves of water as they widen round and round.
Think how simple was their starting, just a pebble from the ground.

Drop an unkind word , or careless, in a second it is gone.
 And there's half a hundred ripples circling on and on and on. 
They are spreading, ever spreading from the centre as they go,
And there's not a way to stop them once you've started them to flow.
And perhaps in some sad heart a mighty wave of tears you've stirred
And disturbed a life once happy when you've dropped that unkind word.

Drop a word of cheer and kindness- in a moment it is gone,
But there's half a hundred ripples circling on and on and on.
Bearing songs and hope and gladness on each buoyant, joyous wave,
Till you'd not believe the volume from the little thought you gave;
And you've rolled a wave of comfort whose sweet music may be heard,
 Circling miles and miles around you- just dropping that kind word.
                          From Father Pat's Minister's Fraternal Column "A Christian Comment"

How much value there is in giving so little.


Friday, 25 January 2013

Being ever present...

Treasures In The Garden

The power of the present.....


I will try not to look back in anger.....
That was yesterday!

 I will try not to look to the future in fear......
That is tomorrow (and tomorrow never comes)!

I will look around me and be aware......
For this is today- the here and the now!

Today is the present and is always the place where we are RIGHT NOW!
                                                                                                                                     Soul Writings

Never give up....

Treasures In The Garden


Keep on keeping on......

Really good stuff comes to those of us who believe.
Much better stuff comes to those of us who are patient.


even better stuff comes to those of us who never give up......

Take up every opportunity that is offered!

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Causing a Difference

Treasures In The Garden


When we are" sailing "through the journey of life....

We have no control over the "wind".
 However, we do have the power to adjust the "sails".

We can think about situations (that make us sad) that arise in our life,
where we can make adjustments
 and so cause a difference to the outcome.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Being Me

Treasures In The Garden


When you need something to believe in

start by believing in YOURSELF: 



I love the exciting life I lead ,
 I love my warm loving heart,, I really care about my body.
 I love my home and where I live,
I love my inquiring mind
I love my little idiosyncrasies,
        I love my weird sense of humour,
I love my my hazel eyes, I love my Family.
I love to be inspiring and I love to be inspiration to others,
I love being vibrant and enthused, I love thinking deep thoughts,
 I love to sleep, I love to drink cold water,
 I love to sing, I love to laugh,
I love to create exciting things, I love my beautiful soul.
and the "me" who is really me!
                                                                                                                         pure truth  

Promote the things that you love in life,
 NOT the things you dislike!
                                                                 soul writings 

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Making the most of today

Treasures In The Garden

Cherish the ones you love the most ....


You never know how long your life will be.
We often believe that we and everyone around us 
is invincible - and that we have loads of time. 
But we are NOT invincible
 Our loved ones, or ourselves, could be gone in an instant.....

Will we make the most of the time we have TODAY?



Saturday, 19 January 2013


Treasures In The garden

Friendship has shown me how good life can be....

Once in a while someone comes along,
 who just very naturally makes everyone feel
a little happier,
a little more alive to life.

My friend,
 you've been that someone to me.
You have given me perspective
on a lot of things - including myself.

I admire you, my friend,for so many reasons....
For your warmhearted nature,
 for making our times together, so special,
 for the way you let me know I can always share my feelings with you.

There are things you said to me that i always remember, and ways that you have helped me that I'll never forget.
The times we spend together are always good times. that 
 always leave me looking forward to the next time.

It's good to say in so many words
 how you've made my world a little brighter,,,,
 A little friendlier.

So thank you for the wonderful person that you are.
 You are my inspiration.
 And I am very glad that you are part of my life
                                                .Larry S. Chengges

So if you are my friend, my sister, my brother, my daughter- in - law, my son,
 my grand daughter, my great grandson, my husband, my brother- in - law, my cousin, my (F) daughter my (F) son, who is very special in my life:

Thank you for being the  wonderful person that you are.
 You have been my inspiration, and I am so glad  that you are part of my life.
 I Love you,





Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Small Miracles

Treasures In The Garden


Worth watching out for....


Did you ever pray for a miracle?
Do you hope for a sign on high?
Is there anyone listening up there at all,
or are there only just clouds in the sky?

There's no pillar of fire to follow;
no walking on water to see.
So if God really looks down from heaven
what signs do you think there should be?


God is that smile from a stranger.
when things are desperately bad.
Or the friend who just happened to be there
 when you found yourself feeling sad.

God's that phone call from someone
who you thought had forgotten your name;
the hope that you find when it's hopeless,
and you thought you were out of the game.

Then again God might be the wind,
that snatches off somebody's hat.
 Hand it back, next thing you're talking,
and married in ten minutes flat.

God's the hand of your Mother
when you nearly got hit by a car.
Or the words of advice from your Dad
that can help you to go all thet far.

God is that teasing kid in class, 
that made you who you are today.
Or the smile of you favourite teacher,
that put you well on life's way.

God's the job you took out of boredom,
that turned out to be perfectly right;
and the police person who pulled you over,
when you might have been dead that night.

No, God doesn't do sea partings.
and you won't find God raising the dead.
 But.... look close enough and you'll see that God's power
comes in small miracles instead.
                                                                                              Ken Healy 2002
                                                   Taken from Corpus Christi newsletter 06.02.03 

 The miracles happen and we are not aware........ 
they take place around us every day..... keep looking out!









Tuesday, 15 January 2013

The priceless value of happiness

Treasures In The Garden

What a good idea....

Do not educate you children 
to be rich.
 Educate them to be happy......
So that when they grow up
they will know the true value of things in their life
NOT the price!

I like that kind of riches! Priceless!

Monday, 14 January 2013

Inner potential

Treasures In The Garden


Do we recognize our own potential?


The things that impress us  in other people
may also be a gift within ourselves
that we have not yet discovered,or recognized,
within ourselves.

Let's start looking for, and developing, our own gifts to share with others.



Saturday, 12 January 2013

A Good Solution

Treasures In The Garden

Overcoming life's difficulties.........

The best way out of our difficulties
is to just power right on through them.

Come out the other side with hopefully a  good solution ..........

Friday, 11 January 2013

Living life to the fullest

Treasures In The Garden


Making each day important......


Don't count the days.
 Make the days count.

Making your life one of  importance and  self empowering.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

At this moment

Treasures In The Garden


How often do we take special people for granted....


How often do we tell the ones we love 
what they mean to us
and how grateful we are that they are part of our lives?
 How often do we willingly forgive 
those who have betrayed us,
 or hurt us sometime through our life?
How often do we remember that the ones we love
 will not remain here on earth with us forever?

We seem to take people in our life for granted.
We may leave it too late to reconcile or apologize.
But...... tomorrow may just be that bit too late!

So while we are alive we must never stop saying "I love you", "thank you"
to those who bless our lives:

Appreciate people who are in our life,
be grateful for lessons learned,
forgive wrongs,
 rekindle bonds,
enjoy each moment of our life,
remember and value special people before they die.

All we have is this moment to express our love.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

A Heartbeat away

Treasures In The Garden


Let peace on earth  begin with me......


May we live in a world filled  with peace,
with awareness of God's love 
in every brilliant sunset,
in every flower unfolding its' petals,
In every baby's delightful smile,
in every lover's caring kiss,
and in every wonderful,, astonishing, miraculous, 
beat of our heart.

Peace be with you....
....pass it on!



Monday, 7 January 2013

Create an impact

Treasures In The Garden


Think positive thoughts

 and feel great feelings!


Sometimes a small deed of caring and kindness
can create such an impact on the life of another being,
that, at that very moment, it will completely change
 the course of their life, and bless your own life forever.

What a great reward is that !    

Sunday, 6 January 2013

The gift of love

Treasures In The Garden


Who will be the beneficiary today?


 Who will benefit from the caring and kindness
 you share with others today?
Who are you going to wrap
 in the warmth of your love?
Who is going to feel the warmth 
of your welcoming smile?
Who will feel the reassurance 
of the support you extend to others?

Give your GIFT of love to all you meet in the world this day!
                                                                                                            Dr. Jeff Mullan



Saturday, 5 January 2013

Have a philosophy of Kindness

Treasures In The Garden

Begin to create....

The joy that you experience,
 the smiles that flash in your direction
  the caring that you love to share
 the kindness you extend to others,
the happiness you cause for others,
 the support you offer,
 monetary giving
the effort you put in to what you do.....
ALL bring light and love
to the reality of living.
 BE the kindness of life!
                                          Dr. Jeff. Mulan

 Create a philosophy of kindness.

Friday, 4 January 2013

Create a space....

Treasures In The Garden


Create a space of peace....


Peace does not mean
an absence of conflict.
Differences will always be there
 Peace means solving
 those differences through
through peaceful means,
 peaceful dialogue
through education,
through humane ways.
                               Dalai Lama

Create a space of peace,love, light, and blessings.


Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Choose the right way to journey

Treasures In The Garden

Continuing the journey....


  There are only two days in a year
  on which nothing can be done....
One is called yesterday
and the other is called tomorrow.

TODAY is the right day to LOVE!
                                               Dalai Lama