Sunday 5 August 2012

Forgive and forget

King parrots feasting at the hanging feed tray amongst
the bottlebrush and grasses

      From My Garden

I'm finding that for relationships to be happy I need to be a good forgiver and and a good forgetter.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
 I have 100% of the rest of my life to live.

I am responsible for my own happiness. I must not rely on others to be responsible for making me happy. In order to get that result I have to look within myself and pull out what resources I have there that are going to achieve that outcome.

So I have let go of my past and moved on to the present. Right here and now is where I am happy. I am happy in this moment . I am alive. I am well. I am happy. I am warm. My tummy is full. I have a nice home and garden. I am in a place of peace. I don't look too far into the future because I have no idea what is there. So this moment and the next is all I have.

So now that I am participating in the game of life, I am appreciating every special moment - and I am happy and  at peace.

Today I wish you happiness and peace throughout this beautiful sunshiny day. C.

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