Thursday, 22 December 2016

Our Turn Will Come

Treasures In The Garden

Words to inspire the soul........

Respect the old when 

we are young.

Help the weak when

 we are are strong.

Confess our fault when

we are wrong.

Because one day in our life

we will be old,

and weak and wrong.

Make a choice today to show respect to each other

I choose to live with joy in my heart.

My word for today is"RESPECT!"

Friday, 16 December 2016

Family First

Treasures In The Garden

What we need........ is each other.

        That is our most precious gift.

The greatest treasure in one's life

is one's family.

We may not be the perfect family,

but we love each other

with all our heart.
                                           Timeless Reminder

Family is where we love, learn, share, are significant, gain character, are always a success, be important, and are always very special.

I choose to live with joy in my heart.

My word for today is "FAMILY!" 

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Living Life to the Fullest

Treasures In The Garden

Having no regrets....... I think of my grand children when I read this good advice, because these are the kind of things children do... with no inhibitions. being childlike is living with lightness in our heart. 

Eat that piece of chocolate cake

Walk in the rain

Splash in the puddles

Ride with the windows down

Dance. Sing. Talk to strangers

Smile at everyone

Hug someone

Go Barefoot

Take naps


Try new things

Spend time with the kids

Laugh every chance you get

Help others.




I choose to live every day with JOY in my heart!

My word for today is "LIVE!"

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Move On and Live

Treasures In The Garden

Move on and Live

Don't sweat the small stuff.


I choose to live with "joy" in my heart, everyday!

My word for today is :LIVE!"

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Following the road ahead

Treasures In The Garden

Don't look back........

Sometimes we have days

when we wish we could change some

things that happened in our past:

There is a reason that the rear

vision mirror is so small and

the windscreen  is so LARGE....
where you are headed is

much more important than

what you have left behind.

....... that's not the way you are headed.

I choose to live with my heart full of joy

My word for today is "AHEAD!"

Saturday, 17 September 2016

The Power of intent

Treasures In The Garden

 I believe in the power of intention

to change the landscape of society;

And it is my intention to live an authentic

 life of compassion,integrity and action.

                                                                                        Zachary Quinto
At the end of the day.......

It takes a

 powerful intention,

a powerful choice,

to make our life 

go in a different direction to

What it is going now.

We need to believe 

that things WILL work

out. Not as we had 

planned, but how

things were meant to be.

Change the way we look at things and things we look at CHANGE.
Wayne Dyer

I choose to live my life with joy in my heart.

My word for today is "INTENTION!"




Sunday, 4 September 2016

Chasing Butterflies

Treasures In The Garden

Most of us spend time searching for happiness....

Happiness is like a butterfly:

the more we chase it,

the more it will chide us;

but if we turn our attention

to other things,it will

and sit softly 

on our shoulder.

.... there is enough happiness for all of us.

I choose to live with joy in my heart.

My word for today "CHASE!"

Sunday, 7 August 2016

In the Pursuit of Happiness

Treasures In The Garden

 There is enough happiness for everyone.......

Happiness is an inside job.....

Happiness can't

be travelled to

owned, accrued,worn,or

consumed. Happiness is

the spiritual experience of

living every minute with

love, grace and gratitude.

When life throws us

hundreds of reasons to break 

down and cry, show life that 

we have a thousand reasons

to smile, laugh and be happy.

Lots of reasons to be STRONG!

Remember the time to be happy is NOW!

TIME waits for no one.

I choose to live with joy and happiness in my heart.

My word for today is "NOW!" 

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Choosing to Forgive

Treasures n The Garden

Forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves.......(Tony Robbins)

When we make the decision to forgive others,

it isn't done for their benefit,

But for the benefit of our own self.

The other person has to live with whatever

it is that they have done,

but we deserve to move on and

 so give ourselves peace within our heart.

I choose to live with JOY in my heart!

My word for today is "CHOOSE!"


Thursday, 21 July 2016

What Life is About

Treasures In The Garden

We can make our life a wonderous way of being.......

The best things in life are

The people we love, and

and places where we have been, and the

Memories we have made for ourselves

Along the way we have travelled.

.......if we but look for the real treasures that are ours for the taking. I

I choose to live my life in joyfulness!

My word for today is "LIVE!"

Friday, 13 May 2016

Let there be Light

Light changes everything

Have you ever sat in the quietness of the dawn watching the scene unfolding before you and everything gradually comes into focus as the sun rises into the heavens?

Or.... have you noticed the light that filters through the tree tops, on a warm summer's day, casting flickering shadows on the cool grass surrounding you?

Or.... have you observed how clouds can part and allow rays of light hit bodies of water and transform them into shimmering jewels?

Light can set mood, facilitate direction and promote growth.

It's uncanny how problems always seem bigger on cold, dark wintry or wet overcast days. And yet we can find comfort in lifting our face skywards, eyes shut, towards the warmth and light of the sun. Worries seem to diminish in the light of day.

Photographers can create masterpieces with their abilities to capture light in their photographs and make them extraordinary. Their understanding of light is important to transform the quality of the picture they are presenting.

Jesus, as the light of the world, offers us HOPE for miraculous change ---- as light miraculously transforms the landscape and mood around us ---- no matter how complex our situations are.

No matter what our circumstances, Jesus in our darkest moments is a constant source of LOVE, HOPE and COMFORT. He's the light to help us in the way ahead and He is a means to letting our personal potential shine through.

There is light at the end of the tunnel. 

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Zest for Love and sharing

Treasures In The Garden

With Love

Allow yourself a little time to let Love come your way

Believe that life's a miracle - you have your part to play

Celebrate each morning - give thanks for this new day

Do little things with BIG Love - this is the joyful way

Eat good food with gratefulness, for earth and rain and sun

Feed your friends with tenderness, encouragement and fun

Give up resentments, grudges, pain - let go of ALL that stuff

Heal your heart with happiness - Love really is enough

Invite a friend to walk with you, to journey somewhere new

Just take each other by the hand - decide Love is for you

Kindness is the answer, the best path you can choose

Love with all your heart and soul, you've only fear to lose

Melt all hardness, soften edges, let yourself just be

Now, this very moment - Love can set you free

Open up the closed doors - let your judgments go

Peace of mind comes gently when Love is all you now

Question your assumptions - then throw them all away

Realise the truth in this - Love IS the only way

Stop worrying - start living - explore those unknown lands

Take time to laugh today - life's gifts are in your hands

Understand the message - there is only Love and fear

View your life with kindness - let struggle disappear

Weave a little magic - Love is the golden thread

eXeeding joy and happiness can be your daily bread

Yes, it is simple, choose Love and take a chance

Zest for LOVE and sharing will lead us in Life's dance
                                                                                 Susanna Michaelis

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Brave Hearts

Lest We Forget- 2016

I need to give a thank you to someone I know not....
Someone who's long passed away, someone that time forgot.

Someone who's just a memory and left their family bruised,

Someone whose final resting place their family did not choose....

So, know you're not forgotten and let us share your regret,

Thank you to our Diggers. God bless. Lest we forget.
Extract by Matt Langdon- The Bush Poet

Friday, 22 April 2016

Listening with the Heart

The Good Shepherd

This is such a beautiful story I took from last week's church newsletter when we were celebrating the feast of " The Good Shepherd" 

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Working With The Lord

Weaving Wonders

The Weaver

My life is but a weaving between my Lord and me;
I cannot choose the colours but He works on steadily.

Often times He weaves in sorrow and I in foolish pride
Forget He see the upper, and I the underside.

Nor till the loom is silent and the shuttles cease to to fly,
Does God unroll the canvas and explain the reason why.

The dark threads are as needful as the weaver's skilful hands,
 As the threads of gold and silver on the pattern He has planned.

He knows. He loves. He cares- Nothing the truth can dim
He gives the very best to those, who leave the choice with Him.


Saturday, 5 March 2016

Evolving Journey

Treasures In The Garden

        The secret of being content is a realisation that life is a gift...

not a given right.

Never forget that the journey through life

is forever evolving. The ups and downs

we experience will be many. Things won't

always go the way we want them to.

Life never gives us more than we have
the ability to manage. Never let a stumble
along the way put an end to our journey. 

If we are not challenged.... then we won't GROW!

Blogged by A Rainbow Fish 
in An Unlikely Genius

Revealing All

Reflective Revelation

What you are

is revealed by what you do.....

What you do

reveals what you truly believe.

If you cherish every moment

all the beauty of each day,

if you treasure simple pleasures

little joys life brings your way,

If you inspire love and friendship

because you're warm and dear....

You're a special kind of person

 who grows nicer with each year.

Take time to smell the roses. It's well worth finding out what the things are we miss out on if we don't take the time to look.

I WILL live with JOY in my heart.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Give it a Go

Treasures In The Garden

Be inspired.

Look for your blessings.

We need to live our life

without living in fear.

We need to be ready to take a chance.

We cannot live our life

being afraid of what will happen next.

That is not what living our life is about.
                                                        Never Backwards

My word for to day is "LIVING!"

I WILL live in JOY!

New Beginnings

Treasures In The Garden


We are part way into the lovely new year of 2016. A new year gives us the chance to start a new and better life. It's time to make the most of it.

Reflect on what we have already accomplished.

Be thankful for our life and for our achievements so far.

 We won't be satisfied at that.
We will be determined to reach for even greater things....

and we will achieve them.
Maria Fontaine- Mottos forSuccess

My word for today is "ACHIEVE!"

I WILL live in JOY!



Sunday, 21 February 2016

On a Positive Note

Treasures In The Garden

I love being positive. It's good for the soul. Today I was looking for birthday verses and found this nifty little gem of positivity I'd love to share with you:

How could one not be positive with little bit of nonsense to lead the way?

Naturally.... my word for today is... "POSITIVE!"

I WILL live in joy!

Monday, 15 February 2016

A beautiful Soul

Treasures In The Garden

Reflect on inspiring affirmations which can unlock your creativity ,encourage mindfulness and soothe anxiety.

We are more than how we look.

We are more than the things we own.

Our souls are beautiful.

We all have a part to play in this beautiful and exciting world.

We all have a part to play in this beautiful and exciting world.

Beauty is only skin deep. It's what's in our soul that makes us who we are.

My word for today "MORE!"

I WILL live in JOY!

Monday, 1 February 2016

Way past a century

Not an everyday occurrence

Last week as I passed by Coolabunia School I spied this Gigantic Koala taking pride of place near the  front entrance to this cute education facility It caught my eye and I hopped out of my car with my trusty phone and snapped his picture. I thought some enterprising farmer was using this unusual idea to sell his hay. I shared the picture with not a thought of any other reason for having this giant on display.

Then we had lunch at our favourite eatery and--- lo and behold we came across the same picture in the local newspaper.
Some enterprising parents and past students had  constructed this eye catching fellow to draw attention to the up- and- coming celebrations in May 2016 for the school's 125th anniversary.
it's to be a community event with activities throughout the day which will include a hay maze, a maypole (I remember doing this as a little girl), a working machinery display, old fashioned activities such as egg and spoon race(which was fun if you didn't drop the egg- they didn't cook them in those days),a recorder band (horrible tinny old noise, but everyone could play one).

Education has changed but community spirit is still alive.

 It looks like an event not to miss out on.

And what a great way to inform everyone that a great Australian icon EDUCATION is still alive and kicking- don't you think?

See you there on Saturday May 25th 2016 

Where Coolabunia State School, D'Aguilar Highway Coolabunia.
Congratulations to the creators. I'm sure everybody has seen it!