Friday, 30 November 2012

Storm Heaven

Treasures In The Garden


The Creator can move mountains......


When everything goes wrong...... just push!
When things get you down......just push! 
When money becomes scarce and the bills pile up......just push!
When people just don't seem to understand......
......just push!






Thursday, 29 November 2012

Happy Birthdays

Treasures In The Garden


Did you know......that birthdays are very good for you?

 Statistics reveal 
 that people who have the most birthdays
live the longest.

Atta boy/ girl
 Go get 'em! 
Action Stations!

Wednesday, 28 November 2012


Treasures In The Garden


Making sense of commonsense


Commonsense is a a knack
of seeing things 
as they are. 
And doing things as they ought to be done.

 Easy enough to do? 



Tuesday, 27 November 2012

My prayer for you

Treasures In The Garden


I say a prayer for you today


I am asking the Lord to bless you
as I pray for you this day,
to guide you and protect you
 as you journey on your way.
May His love always be with you
His promises are true,
 and when you give Him all your cares,
 we know He'll see you through.
So when that road you're travelling
seems difficult at best
 just remember i'll be here praying
and God will do the rest.

When there is nothing left but God
that is when you will find 
that God is all you need.

Believe and you CAN and WILL!

Monday, 26 November 2012

About friendship.....

Treasures In The Garden

How can we tell who is our friend?

The people we love
don't have to be exactly like us.
Life is too short for drama
and petty stuff.
kiss slowly
laugh insanely,
 love truly,
forgive quickly,
pray often

Friendship isn't about
whom you have known the longest
It's about those who came and stayed
 and never left your side and heart.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Continuing to a better Life

Treasures In The Garden

Bury emotional garbage


Gratitude is the soul of happiness.

 Leave emotional wreckage behind......

pick yourself up, dust yourself off,

and continue your life with grace , beauty and dignity.


And pray, every day!




Saturday, 24 November 2012

The waiting is over

Treasures In The Garden


What are you waiting for?


 Why do we wait.....
to tell those around us that we love them,
we forgive them,
 we need forgiveness
we are grateful.
Should we do this everyday?
We never know if this will be our last opportuinity ,today.

 I hope you are listening!



Thursday, 22 November 2012

Tell them you love them

Treasures In The Garden


Tell before time runs out!


Please tell the people you love and care about

That they are special and important to you.

 Tell them before it is too late.

And... tell them often.


Will this be YOU?





Wednesday, 21 November 2012

More of those please!

Treasures In The Garden


More days of feeling good.... 

If you look back on a day
When you have felt completely satisfied,
 you will find that it will not be a day when
you have done nothing. 
Instead it will be a day when you have had
loads to do and contend with, and got it all done!

Well Done!

How good would that be?

Compliment yourself....

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Choose Happiness

Treasures In The Garden


The Choice of happiness

If you would like others to be happy, practice compassion.
If you want to have personal happiness, practice compassion.

                                                                                                             Dali Lama

Monday, 19 November 2012

A Clean Sweep

Treasures In The Garden

An easy way to make a clean sweep!


Use laughter as a brush to sweep
 away the cobwebs that gather around 
and clog up the heart.



Sunday, 18 November 2012

A Harvest of Love

Treasures In The Garden


Whist being kind to others

always remember to be kind to yourself.

A good is never lost.
The person who sows courtesy reaps friendship.
The person who plants kindness is a gatherer of LOVE!

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Yeah! Life Still Goes On

Treasures In The Garden

Life goes on....

In life people and things change.
We can have things go wrong for us.
But the thing we need to always keep in mind
is that life still goes on no matter what takes place.

H.    O.    P.    E.    


Friday, 16 November 2012

Benefit from a hug

Treasures In The Garden

Pass it on ......

Hugs multiply 
especially when
we give lots of them away.

It is more beneficial to give to someone than it is to receive,
especially when it involves giving LOVE!

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Chances Are....

Treasures In The Garden


What Insight will I gain?

 Please don't cry because something has ended.
Smile because it has happened.
 Maybe this will be a new beginning.

May be we need to take a chance on trying something new.
Unless we do we'll never know 
how absolutely perfect
 that new something may turn out to be.
Chances are, the chances are awfully good!



Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Of all That is Important, LOVE is First

A glut of tomatoes to make jam, relish and chutney

Treasures In The Garden

Love is the most important of all!

does not
look at
 or your face.
Rather it
 looks at
 your beautiful
 loving HEART!

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Being Number One....

Treasures In The Garden

In striving to be the best we can, is it important to be No.1?


"It's no good striving to be number one.
 Being number one is next to nothing."
                                                      Laurelle's Dad


Are we striving to be the servants and carers of each other? 

Is this what will give us standing and character in our community
 - in our inner being? 




Sunday, 11 November 2012

Another Step on the Journey of Life

Treasures In The Garden

Integrity is doing the right thing

When nobody is looking.

Your integrity will always
be remembered longer
than your prosperity 

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
Make it an exciting day!
Discover that beautiful YOU!

Saturday, 10 November 2012

The Harvest of the contented spirit

Treasures In The Garden

Prosperity of spirit?

The fruit of the spirit is:

Galatians 5:22-23

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Getting the Most from Life

Treasures In The Garden

 Want to get the best from your life?

Life is too
 short to worry
about stupid
Have fun,
 fall in love,
regret nothing,
and, don't let
people put you down.
                                              The betterman project


Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Delightful Dalliance

Pleasing to the eye.

I find it strange when a particular thing keeps popping up everywhere I go.
In recent times, especially when I have been on holidays, my eye was constantly drawn to objects that were predominately RED! I wanted to share these colourful times when all things that caught my eye were Red and were so pleasing to my inner self.

These are Kayden's favourite toys

One day we went to Eimeo pub up on the cliffs looking out over the bay and treated ourselves to devonshire tea. Even the jam was red.

A light bulb on the ceiling of the dining area
The motif on Kayden's shirt


A fancy hubcap on a parked car
The no smoking sign on the wall

Later we went down to the harbour to join the throng of people walking about there and ate icecream- as one does on a warm spring afternoon.

The tail light of a parked car
The red roof of a tiny lighthouse on the fore front
     A sexy car we spotted                 The ice cream fridge                                      

RED is my favourite colour. Maybe that is why I am so aware of it.
It is brilliant, vibrant, eye catching and soul uplifting.
It is the colour of my life's blood,
 the colour depicting my heart where my love is based.

Cups and backing ties in my kitchen

                                                                                                           My favourite places to see the colour RED is in the colour of lipstick, sunsets, glowing coals in my winter fire, the backing tiles in my kitchen,that brighten up the decor of that pleasing and much used used area of my home.

  Even when were travelling overseas and mostly in London, I found many things that were RED and familiar to my eye (from pawing over travel brochures and watching travel videos ) I really loved London.

 London Phone box

Famous double decker bus

And so it could go on. But if I do I'll be seeing a different kind of RED!
There are another 100 RED photos or more  that I could use.


Good things will come

Treasures In The Garden

What is Optimism?

The Inclination to make the best out of all possible situations.

A To Do list for being an Optimist

1. Show gratitude
2. Smile
3. Let go of the past
4. Have faith that things can
always get better
5. Surround yourself with
positive attitude
6. Speak with a positive tone
7. Don't overthink everything
8. Focus on one problem
at a time
9. Be proactive and
turn negative 
situations around
10. Exude confidence

THINK . DO. BE.....


Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Still on the Journey


Treasures In The Garden

 If today was my last day on earth....

....I wonder who  I would spend it with

.....where would I like to be

.... what would I like to write about?

What am I looking for?

I think that I must not count the days I have left in my life
but make the days count for something in the rest of my life,

....Because, today is the first day of the rest of my life.


Monday, 5 November 2012

More Musing and Meandering (Journal) 11/09/08




This time next year I want to be fitter and healthier than I am right now. To achieve this is to feel empowered, energetic,more motivated,get more done,fit more into my life.That sounds GREAT!
I will need to walk, garden,work, relax,eat more fresh food,drink more water,enjoy,sleep, have fun,draw,paint,eat less spicy food,eat less carbohydrates, think healthy,
 I will ask God to help me, and call on my Guardian Angel to guide me, to read up on healthy living,research the best foods to to give me the healthiest edge, think positively,find the good in every thing and every one,stop complaining, problem solve instead of finding fault,begin each day with happiness and smile,encourage and praise myself and others for a job well done!
My GOAL for next year :
To enjoy the rest of my life.
In order to achieve that goal I need to look at being fitter. I keep very well for a person of my age. I think that being tired is an emotional thing. When things are going okay I'm bubbly and  pain free. As soon as a challenge arises and keeps on keeping on, I get tired, I need to GET OVER IT, PROBLEM SOLVE,LOOK TOWARDS THE OUTCOME I WANT, Think POSITIVE. Don't allow myself to be dragged down by NEGATIVITY- my own and others!

Since Then:

I exercise most days
 I blog to keep positve
 I have been on a Flat Belly diet and lost 10kg in weight
I pray most days
 I garden,
 I craft, 
I write to remind myself of the good in every day.
I eat fresh food from my garden. I eat very little meat and bread 

Finish each day and be done with it.
You have done what you could do.
Some blunders and absurdities have
crept in; forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it
serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense. Emerson    

The key to Happiness


Treasures In The Garden

Is there more I could be doing to improve my lot?

 blessings,let go,

A to do list for everyday

1. Count your blessings
2.Let go of what you can't control
3.Practice kindness
4. Practice gratitude
Listen to your heart

Don't put the key to your happiness in some other person's pocket. 



Sunday, 4 November 2012

Journal Jottings


I want to have more contact with my family. I want our family to realise they have parents. I want to see more of my family. We are in the downhill run of our life and I want to be remembered with love.
We will still live in Nanango The peace that is there makes life worth living- not rushing through life, through each day without remembering what happened. Live every moment- not just exist. Not sitting around , not being lazy, not vegging- getting lots done
 We already have pets- lots of work but good company, and give unconditional love It's better when we go on holidays in the van and they can go with us.
 This time next year I will be close to retirement.
 I will be seeing more of my family.
 I will do more travelling
 make things for my grandchildren
loving life in general
enjoying relaxation.
 I am going to phone my children once a week
 my goal is to gain courage to do it- put aside a time each night to ring one family. DO IT. (Thursday is out because I go to art class, which I enjoy)
At this present moment I am working towards retirement.
my goal is to be ready, not to suddenly get there and find I have nothing in place to fill the void where work used to be.
I will get courage to phone my family every week. COURAGE! COURAGE! COURAGE!
I will LIKE using the phone
 It can be user friendly COURAGE!COURAGE! COURAGE!
 I LOVE my Family.
 I am proud of their achievements
 I like who I am
I am proud of my Achievements!

Whatever you can do, or dream, you can begin it.
Boldness has genius power and magic in it. Goethe

What's happened since then
I have semi retired
 I have a part time job to be with children to ward of lonliness
 I do get to travel
 I have been to see my children on a number of occasions.
 I still have not conquered my telephone phobia.
 I have gained a driving Phobia.
 I keep busy.
Most of the time I enjoy life. I don't attend art classes any more. Have to find another art class.

The Pursuit of Happiness

Treasures In The Garden


Are you prepared to feel

lucky, fortunate,content,glad,felicitous?

Then that can mean you have put yourself in a place to be HAPPY!

Happiness should be our life's work
not a vacation to postpone
until there is more time to pursue being happy.

 Is'nt this a great choice to make for ourselves?
And on the way we can share happiness with others.




Saturday, 3 November 2012

The Secret of Contentment

Treasures In The Garden

What am I looking for?


The secret of contentment
is a realisation 
 that the life we have been given
is really a beautiful gift
..... not a right

I will live a life of
attentive to all that is around me
search for meaning and connection.

 I will be 
and reflect on all that is good around me.
 I will do this with wonderment and awe.

I will be intent in how I do things
and what I do will be moral and ethical.