Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Starting out anew

Treasures In The Garden

What can we do.......

As we start a new year
untouched and unmarred,
Unblemished and flawless,
 unscratched and unscarred,
May we try to do better 
 and accomplish much more
And be kinder and wiser
than in the year just gone before-
Let us wipe our slates clean
and start all over again,
For this privilege has been given to all sincere (wo)men
who will humbly
admit they have failed in some ways
But are willing to try to improve these "new days"
By asking God's in all that they do
 And counting on God to refresh and renew
Their courage and faith when things go wrong
 And the way seems scarey and dark
  and the road rough and long-
What can we do 
when the year is so new?
The choice is ours
                                    Helen Steiner Rice


....... To make our new year better?


My word for today is CHOICES!" 



Saturday, 21 December 2013

Christmas Courage

Treasures In The Garden


Wouldn't it be wonderful.......


Those we love don't have to
 be exactly like ourselves.
Life is too short for drama 
and petty stuff.
kiss s-l-o-w-l-y,
laugh insanely,
LOVE truly,
forgive quickly,
and pray often!

Friendship isn't about whom
 we've known the l  o  n  g  e  s  t.
 It's about those who came
and never left our heart.

....... if we could remember good stuff, every minute of every day!


My word for today is "Friendship"! 

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Coming up as winners

Treasures In The Garden


To survey each experience with an optimistic approach.......



The real winners in Life
are usually the people
 who look at every situation
 with an expectation that
 they can make it work
 or that they can make it better. 
                                       Barbara Fletcher

sets us up to be in a winning situation.

My word today is "Optimism!"


Thursday, 28 November 2013

The next Chapter

Treasures In The Garden

What life holds for us.......

Life is a bit like reading a book.
Some chapters are really sad,
 some chapters are happy
and some chapters can be very exciting.
 But, if you never turn to the next page
you will never know
 what the new chapter holds for you.
                                                        Truth Follower

....... depends on what we read into  our experiences.

My word for today is "Experiences"!

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Beginning AGAIN.......


Treasures In The Garden


Don't be scared when things go wrong.....


If one of your
Falls apart
and breaks into
 a thousand little pieces,
 Do not be afraid.
 Pick up one of those little pieces
 and.......BEGIN AGAIN!

.......pick up a thread and just move on to a better place!

My word for today is "DREAMS!"



Friday, 8 November 2013



Treasures In The Garden



If you ask me
how long I will be your friend:
my answer will be, " I don't know." 
Because I 'don't know' which is longer
                                       Words to inspire the Soul

....... makes one realise that friendship is God's most precious gift!


My word for today is "FRIEND"!

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

A waking thought

Treasures In The Garden

Beginning each new day with happy and inspiring thoughts...........

When we wake each day
think of what a privilege
it is to be alive,
to take a breath,
to think and be mindful,
to enjoy living,
to LOVE.......
and be Loved!

........can only lead to positive outcomes!


My word for today is "LOVE!"




Sunday, 3 November 2013

Each new Day is a bonus

Treasures In The Garden

Take every opportunity.......

Always end the day
with positive thoughts.
No matter how difficult the day has been,
tomorrow is a brand new day.....
a fresh opportunity to turn things around.
                                                                 Soul writings

....... to change the hard things that can crop up in a day.

 And always remember what there was to be grateful for in that same day!


My word for today is "Positive!"

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Missing somebody....


Treasures In The Garden

I miss my kids.......


There are moments in life
when you can miss some one
 so very much 
 that you just want to
pick them from your dreams
 and hug them for real.

.......I miss having family.


My word for today is "Hugs!"  

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Making life more than existence

Treasures In The Garden


Looking at how many ways....... 


Life is an opportunity
benefit from it.
Life is beauty,
admire it.
Life is a dream,
 realize it.
Life is a challenge,
meet it.
Life is duty,
complete it.
Life is a game,
 play it.
Life is a promise,
 fulfill it.
Life is a sorrow,
overcome it.
Life is a song,
sing it.
            Mother Teresa

.......to make life a working journey.


My word for today is "Life!" 





Sunday, 13 October 2013

Making an Observation



Treasures In The Garden

Looking and seeing..........

As we make our daily journey
 we need to see that
it is not happiness
 that makes us grateful-
it is having gratitude
 That gives us happiness

....... may take us to a different space on our life's journey.


Thursday, 10 October 2013

Warmth for body and soul

  • the fire which burns all winter. 

  • Winter Warmth


    Why I love our open fire.......


    When we decided to make a "tree change" and bought our home in the country, one of our main "wants" was to have a big open fire. The weather here lends itself to possessing and using a wood fire to burn to keep ourselves warm.

    Wood burning warmth beats gas and electric hands down for warming up a chilled home. The heat emanating from the open fire exudes warmth for the skin, and deep into the soul and heart, like a bowl of hot oatmeal porridge on a cold morning or a mug of hot, homemade pumpkin soup  on a chilly winter's evening.

    There is a kind of ceremony and ritual to lighting a fire. It's sort of honouring the gentle slow pace  of living in the beautiful, relaxing countryside.It takes time to light  You can't just flick a switch and make it start burning. And the fire builder has to keep the comfort their own comfort  and that of house residents in mind when getting the fire underway.

     For the lucky owners of the open fire, there are a number of requirements that are necessary to keeping the home fires burning- a full wood box, a plentiful woodpile, lots of kindling, a reliable saw, a sharp axe, and lots of muscle, and the know-all to get the fire laid for maximum warmth,and to get it ignited "effortlessly" .

    It takes time for the room to warm up, so having to wait, staying rugged up until that delicious warmth arrives also requires patience.
     It's  quite a messy affair owning and using an open fire but it is a reminder that all good things come with a price and effort. 

    The fire is a central place in our living area.
     In winter we spend a lot of down time curled up and warm round this delightful place,reading, writing, watching telly, talking, cuddling, listening to music.- and just watching the yellow and orange flames licking the wood hungrily and yet, lazily. And we just exult luxuriantly in the beautiful warmth.
    It is surely the pivotal part of our home at winter time and one we wouldn't like to be without. 

     Of course there is a downside to owning a fire as well, especially if a log has fallen to the front of the fire and the house fills with smoke instead of going up the chimney, and the fire alarm goes into screaming mode in protest.And, there is of course the yearly clean out of the chimney to prevent unwanted fires in the wrong place, and the removal of the ash build up from the burnt logs.
    But.... this is one of my "wants" that has changed into a definite" need"-an absolute  necessity.

      Wednesday, 9 October 2013

      Accumulating Wealth

      Treasures In The Garden


      Accumulating material things.......


      Focus in on non-material values
      and their amazing benefits.

      Enjoy the beauty of a sunset/ sunrise.
      Forget watching television.

      Look after our health
       -take a walk
      -play with children.

      Recognize that consumerism
      does not improve our own well being,
      or that of our nation

      .......has camouflaged the riches

      we have within ourselves, in our country and in nature.


      Thursday, 26 September 2013

      Focus in....

      Treasures In The Garden


      Focus in on the.......


      Focus in on the opportunities
      that exist in our life,
      rather than the obstacles-
      even in the most devastating situations
       we can possibly experience.

      .......the positives that we find amongst the negatives.

       My word for today is"Focus!"  

      Tuesday, 17 September 2013

      Joy is in the air

      Treasures In The Garden

      Being positive, peaceful and productive.......

      You're worried about how you are going
      to feel at the end of your life?
      What about right now?
      Right this minute.
      That's where the joy is!
                                                                 - Abigail Thomas

      .......can open opportunities in the most unlikely places!


      My word for today is "Opportunity!"

      Thursday, 12 September 2013

      The gratitude of happiness


      Treasures In The Garden

      Having an attitude of gratitude........


      As we follow our daily journey
      we need to recognise that
      it is not happiness that
      makes us be grateful.
       It is gratitude......
       that makes us feel happy.
                      Brother David Steindl Rast

        .......leads us to benefits beyond belief!


      My word for today is "Recognise!"

      Tuesday, 10 September 2013

      The Lord's Masterpiece



      Interesting Item

      The Lord was into his 6th day of overtime, creating Mothers, when an angel appeared to Him and said", You're doing a lot of fiddling around on this one."
      "Have you seen the specifications on this order?" God asked. "She has to be completely washable but not made of plastic. She needs to have 180 moveable and replaceable parts,
       She must be able to run on black coffee and leftovers, have a lap that completely disappears when she stands up, and a kiss that can cure everything from a broken leg to a broken heart.
      Oh, and six pairs of hands."
      "Six pairs of hands?" said the angel. "No way!"
      "Actually," said the Lord, "It's not the six pairs of hands that are causing the problem, it's the three pairs of eyes."
      "That's on the standard model," said the angel and God nodded.
      "One pair to see through closed doors and ask"What are you kids up to in there?, even though she already knows
      Another pair in the back of her head so she can see things that she she really shouldn't see but needs to know about. And of course the eyes in the front that tells a child she loves them and understands even when they're in trouble, without uttering a word.
       "Lord," said the angel,"go to bed. Tomorrow is another day."
      "I can't," said the Lord," I'm so close now. Already I have one that can heal herself when she's sick, feed a family of six on half a kilo of mince, and get an eight year old under the shower."
      The angel circled the model very slowly. "It's too soft," she sighed.
      "But tough,"said the Lord." you cannot imagine what this Mother can do or endure."
      "Can it think?" asked the angel.
      "Not only think,"replied the Lord." but reason and compromise as well!" 
      Finally the angel bent over and ran a finger across a soft cheek.
      "There's a leak," she said.
       "That's not a leak," said God. "It's a tear."
      "WHat's it for?" asked the angel
      " It's for joy, sadness, disappointment,pain, loneliness, and pride."
      "You're a genius," said the angel.
      And God smiled softly. Not for what he had accomplished but for the joy His creation would bring.

      From one mother to another. I know  only a mother will understand the rigours and the joys of being a a MOTHER

      .......there's nothing else that can compare! 

      For the good of our health

      Treasures In The Garden


      Happiness in life.......


      I have decided
      that to be happy
       is so very good
      for my health ....
      and well being!
                 Sobriety House

      .......makes all the difference!


      My word for today is "Health!"  



      Sunday, 8 September 2013

      Carry Sunshine with you

      Treasures In The Garden


      Spreading good cheer.......


      Wherever you go,
       No matter what the weather,
       Always bring your own sunshine.


      .......is always a great daily activity


      My word for today is "cheer!"



      Wednesday, 4 September 2013

      Soul Searching

      No Time, No Time....

      I knelt to pray, but not for long.
       I had too much to do.
       I had to hurry and get to work, 
      For bills would soon be due.
      So I knelt and said a hurried prayer
       And jumped up off my knees. 
      My Christian duty was now done.
       My soul could rest at ease....
      All day long I had no time 
      To spread a word of cheer.
       No time to speak of God to friends.
       They'd laugh at me I fear.

      No time! No time! TOO MUCH TO DO!
       That was my constant cry, 
      No time to give to souls in need
      But.... at last the time to die.
       I went before the Lord,
       I came, I stood, with downcast eyes.
      For, in His hands God held a book,
       It was the book of life.
      God looked into His book and said:
      "Your name I could not find.
      I was going to write it down....
       But, I never found the time."

      A positive pathaway


      Treasures In The Garden


      Being positive and happy.......


      I choose the happiness way of life.
      I will take the positive pathway.

      .......is my choice, leading me too to a full and productive way of living.


      My word for today is "Happiness!" 

      Monday, 2 September 2013

      Wistful Wishing

      I wish for:

      Comfort on days that are difficult,
      Smiles when sadness intrudes,
      Rainbows to follow clouds,
        Laughter to soothe yearning lips, 
      Sunsets to warm aching hearts
      Gentle hugs for sagging spirits,
       Friendship to brighten each day,
      Beauty for longing eyes to observe,
       Confidence for when in doubt,
      Faith to help flagging belief,
      Courage to know our true selves,
      Patience for acceptance of truth,
      And LOVE to make life complete.
                                                    Soul Writings



      Treasures In The Garden


      On the daily journey.......


      It's not about the destination
      but, about the actual journey
       we are moving through.
       But, then again, 
      it's not all about the journey,
      it's also about
      who we make the journey with. 


      .......we need to observe our surroundings 

      and who our travelling companions are.


      My words for today are "travelling companions!"   

      Saturday, 31 August 2013

      Daddy's Delight


      Walking In Dad's footsteps.......


      "Walk a little slower Daddy", said a child
      so small." I'm following in your footsteps and
      I don't want to fall.

      Sometimes your steps are very fast,
       Sometimes they're hard to see;
      So walk a little slower Daddy,
       For you are leading me.

      Someday when I'm all grown up,
      You're what I want to be;
       Then I will have a little child
      Who'll want to follow me.

      And I would want to lead just right,
       And know that I was true;
      So walk a little slower Daddy,
       For I must follow you."

      .......is what little children do.



      Monday, 26 August 2013

      A matter of remembering

                 Treasures In The Garden

          Reminding ourselves.......  


      Everyday when we wake up
      We need to remember we have been given
      Only one life to
       Create all that we need
       Have all our needs granted
      And become anything that we want to
      And ....... contribute as much as we like.
                                                                         Jeff Moore

      ....... to contribute to life in order to receive back our chosen rewards.

        My word for today is "Rewards"!  


      Friday, 23 August 2013

      Getting Creative

      Treasures In The Garden


      Every moment in our lives.......


      Creativity is a gift we have.
       Create many wonderful moments.
       Our life is our own work of art....
      Moment by precious moment.
                                        Soul writings

      ....... is an opportunity to create something truly amazing for ourselves.


      My word for today is "Creative!" 



      Wednesday, 21 August 2013

      Following along.......

      Treasures In The Garden

      Another to do list for today.......


      Think positively
      Breathe deeply
      Live simply
      Hug tightly
      Give generously
      Laugh loudly
      Smile brightly
      Love unconditionally
      Speak kindly
      Dream nightly.

                          Soul Writings


      .......to keep on track of nurturing the soul.


      My word for today is "nurturing"!


      Sunday, 18 August 2013

      Keeping Busy

      Treasures In The Garden


      To Do List.......


      Move purposely
      Encourage others
      Take chances
      Live in the moment
       Be kind
      Fill your body with fuel
       Choose happy
       Challenge yourself
      be you
                         The Happsters

      ....... and fill your life with possibilities and empowerment!


      My word for today is "Empowerment"!

      Tuesday, 13 August 2013

      A joy to behold

      Treasures In The Garden


      Attitude of gratitude.......


      If we look at what we
       have not got in life........
      we don't have anything.

      If we look at what we
      do have in life .......
      We have everything.

      .......joy is the key


      My word for today is "Joy"!

      Sunday, 11 August 2013

      Beauty In the Eye of the Beholder

      1 Peter 3:3


      It is not fancy hair, gold jewellery, or fine
      clothes that should make you beautiful.
      " No, your beauty should come from
      within you - the beauty of a gentle and
      quiet spirit. This beauty will never disappear
      and is worth MUCH MORE to GOD.

       Nothing can buy inner beauty.It is there naturally.

       Think of the time and money we have to expend to achieve outer beauty.

      Saturday, 10 August 2013

      Remembering the journey

      Treasures In The Garden

      Reminding myself.......


      Life is a journey
      Enjoy it slowly.

      .......that the journey through life is not a race, and can be a time to be enjoyed at a more leisurely pace.

      My word for today is "Enjoy"!

      Wednesday, 7 August 2013

      Welcome home.......

      Treasures In The Garden


      Home is where ........


      Home is where love resides,
       Memories are created,
      Friends are always welcome,
      And laughter never ends.

      ....... the heart belongs!


      My word for today is "home"!

      Saturday, 3 August 2013

      Staying in focus

      Treasures In The Garden


      Moving with the flow.......


      The secret of change
      is to focus in all our energy
      Not on fighting the old stuff,
       but improving and building on what is new!

      .......and putting our own spin on how we could improve things!