Saturday, 26 December 2015

Inspiration of a special kind

Treasures In The Garden

Unlock your creativity

Encourage your mindfulness

Soothe your anxiety

Let your hopes 
and your dreams
inspire you to
reach for greater things.

My word for today is:"INSPIRE!"

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

A gift for everyday

Treasures In The Garden

Each day is a gift.......

 and as long as my eyes are open

I'll focus on this new day,

and all the happy memories

That I have kept stored away

....... and happiness will always be mine.

My word for today is " GIFTS"

A Grownups Christmas Wish List

Wishful Thinking

Dear Santa,

 This year I don't want any material gifts delivered under my tree. I have so many wonderful things in my life- most of all good health and happiness. Could you please send me the things that I am requesting below  .......

I would like :

 No more lives torn apart,

That wars would NEVER begin....

 .... and the wars raging now would cease.

And that time would heal all hearts.

 Everyone would have a caring friend,

And RIGHT would always win.

And LOVE would never end.
              Shut Up I'm Still Talking ( via our nephew Philip)

Thank you Santa in anticipation of a "HOPE FILLED" Christmas for myself and 

everybody else on earth.

Your Friend

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Refreshingly Refreshing

Take Time....... to LOVE!

I found this poem in"Splashes of Joy in the the cesspool of life" by Barbara Johnson. It's is an oldie which I have read many times and it still manages to bring a tear to my eyes.

The Old Violin

'Twas battered and scarred, and the auctioneer

Thought it scarcely worth his while

To waste much time on the old violin,

 But held it up with a smile.

"What am I bidden, good folks ?" he cried,

Who'll start the bidding for me?

A dollar, a dollar-now two, only two -

Two dollars, and who'll make it three?

Three dollars once, three dollars twice,

Going for three" - but no!

From the room far back a grey - haired man

Came forward and picked up the bow;

Then wiping the dust from the old violin,

And tightening up all the strings,

He played a melody pure and sweet,

As sweet as an angel sings.

The music ceased, and the auctioneer,

With a voice that was quiet and low,

Said," what am I bid for the old violin?"

And he held up the bow,

"A thousand dollars- who'll make it two?

Two thousand - and who'll make it three?

Three thousand once and three thousand twice -

 And going and gone, " said he.
The people cheered and some of them cried,

"We do not understand -

What changed its worth ?" The man replied:

"The touch of a master's hand.

And many a man with a life out of tune,
And battered and torn with sin,
Is auctioned cheap to a thoughtless crowd,

 Much like the old violin.......

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd

Never can quite understand

The worth of a soul and the change that's wrought

By the touch of the Master's hand.
Myra Brooks Welch 5

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

And no matter how battered and old, the "Master" is not finished yet.


Sunday, 18 October 2015

A Brand New Day

Treasures In The Garden

Dream BIG.

Start small.

But most of all.......

Simon Sineck

You only need to make that FIRST step!

                        MY word for today is "START!"

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Living Life to the fullest


Treasures In The Garden

Life is for living, not just existing.

Life is short, live it.

Love is rare, grab it.

Anger is bad, dump it

Fear is awful, face it.

Memories are sweet, cherish them.

We live life for such a short while to be spending it being unhappy.

My word for today is "LIVING!"

My favourite fragrance

Lovely Lavender

A super plant to grow. A super fragrance to have on hand in the home.

The wellness benefits of Lavender:

The Lavender flower has the same benefits as Lavender oil.

It treats

It is best used dried and infused as tea.
And I love to burn the oil in an oil burner,
or have the fragrance in a room deodoriser,or
in hand cream. It is just so lovely for the senses.

Lavender loves to grow in well drained soil.
Plant it in late spring or early summer,
 and harvest on the bloom.


Saturday, 10 October 2015

All About LOVE and Nature

Nurturing Nature

My attempt at poetry.... if the words don't rhyme it's not poetry for me.

Nature Love

I love fluffy clouds
As they float on by.
 I love the azure blue
Of the day lit sky.

My love is for wildflowers,
Beauty of my dreams,
My love is for the musical babble
Of fast moving streams.

I so love the birdsong
In mornings so cool.
I so love the coldness
Of a deep mountain pool.

Scudding cloud beauty,
Wildflower spread,
Running water babble,
Brings peace to my head.
                   Carol Young 2015

Stopping to smell the flowers sometimes makes one focus on other beautiful things around and about.

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Transform your Life

Healthy Living With Nature

Being Healthy is an inside job....

Drinking is the way to go

It is important to drink at least 2 or 3 litres of water a day.

Hydration helps to flush out the kidneys and expel damaging toxins.

Dried fruit looks all shriveled, full of wrinkles and ugly. Our body reacts in the 

same way when we fail to keep our bodies hydrated. 

Move Baby Move


It is suggested that we need to move our bodies moderately for 30 to 60

minutes about 3 or 4 times  in a week.

This will improve the heart and cardio fitness and reduce stress.

It will boost circulation and oxygen flow which leads to a clear and glowing 


and builds and maintains bone and muscle density.

Sleep like a baby

We need 6 to 8 hours quality sleep every night

For bodies to work to their potential when we are awake or asleep - rise with 

the sun and begin to wind down at sunset.

 Ideally keep all technology out of the bedroom ( Phones, computers, tvs), 

because these items send out electromagnetic radiation which interrupts sleep 

duration and quality.(Nutrimetics Australia and New Zealand)

.......the CHANGE is up to YOU. 

Make the choice now!

Monday, 28 September 2015

Dreams Come True

Treasures In The Garden

What we want for our children is reaching fruition.......

We don't want our 
to follow in 
our footsteps.
We want them 
to take the path
next to us,
and go further
than we could have
 ever dreamt 

.......They have done everything we prayed/ hoped for and more!

My word for today is "DREAMS!"

Friday, 11 September 2015

Going Green -Growing Kale

Healthy Living With Nature

Want to grow Kale?

It's a Classic leafy green veg, and is the easiest of plants to grow. The plants thrive well in average soil, either in full sun or in shade. We have our plants in a raised garden bed, in a shade house with a vegetable net to deter the white cabbage moth.But they don't mind where they are grown - pots,tubs, troughs, open garden,raised beds.

Usually seeds are grown in autumn for a crop through winter. Or sow in spring for a warm season crop. We buy 6 seedlings which give us plenty of green for use by 2 people. Start picking about 7 or 7 weeks after sowing. Pick as required.

Feed soluble fertiliser every couple of weeks to promote HEALTHY growth.

Varieties which we know are Curly Kale, Cavola Nero, Red Winter Kale, and at present we have planted the Dino Kale variety. We have used all 3 varieties but I think our favourite is Red Winter Kale

Picking the young leaves eliminates the bitterness that comes with older leaves.
Any old leaves we pick and throw on the garden around our plants for mulch.
This is such an easy crop to grow and it just keeps on giving.

Banana Kale Smoothie

Into a Blender:

Puree 1 banana 
1 cup chopped kale
1/2 cup almond milk
a handful ice
until smooth. 


Tuesday, 1 September 2015

The Benefits of Friendship

Treasures In The Garden

We can have freedom of choice in who are our friends.......

.......and we are free to pursue whatever makes our hearts SING!

In the sweetness
of friendship,
let there be
laughter and tears
and the sharing of pleasure.

My word for today is "FRIENDSHIP!"

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Getting Rid of the Knots/ nots

Purposeful Prayer

The Knots prayer.........

Dear God
Please untie the knots
that are in my mind,
my heart, and my life.
Remove the have nots,
the can nots, and the do nots,
that I have in my mind.

Erase the will nots,
may nots,
might nots that may find
a home in my heart.

Release me from the could nots
would nots and 
should nots that obstruct my life.

And most of all
 Dear God
I ask that you remove from my mind,
my heart, my life, all the am nots 
that I have allowed to hold me back,
especially the thoughts
that"I am not good enough".

soul writings

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

The Story of Kale

Healthy Living With Nature

We grow our own kale. We find it very easy to grow.

We use it in our smoothies, chopped up on salads,

steamed as a green vegie, and in our stir fries.

Kale is loaded with good stuff.

It has a nutrient dense makeup. 

It is packed to the hilt with oodles of fibre, Vitamin K, A and C, Folate, 

Potassiumcopper, magnesium, iron, calcium,and antioxidants

How good is that!

Kale contains more iron than beef and more calcium than milk.

Kale's carotenoids and flavenoid antioxidants that can help protect from 

various cancers, can help lower cholesterol, and is also known for its 

antiflammatory properties which work on arthrites, asthma, and 

autoimmune disorders.

It tastes great too!

If you are looking for a detox , look no further.

It can work well with the liver too.

Kale comes from the cabbage family.

It is a year round vegetable.

Make sure your bunch is completely fresh ( we pick ours from the garden).

The old wilted leaves lose flavour and goodness.

Store in a plastic bag. (I find cellophane wrap even better).

Store in the vegetable crisper in the bottom of the fridge.

It can be eaten raw or cooked.

It can be interchanged with silverbeet in recipes.

                                                                                          Body and Soul

Friday, 21 August 2015

Treasures In The Garden

What we give out in goodness.......

LIFE is an ECHO.

What we SEND out
comes BACK.

What we SOW
we REAP.

What we GIVE
we GET.

What we SEE
in others
EXISTS in us.


LIFE is an ECHO.
 It always gets
back to us.

- chinese proverb

....... will hopefuly return!

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Healthy Living

Healthy Living With Nature

Boost your Libido.......

Synthesis of our sex hormones-progesterone, Oestrogen, Androgen

is significant for sexual desire and largely dependant on NUTRITION

Expert nutritionist,Steph Lowe, gives us more lowdown on an 

all- NATURAL libido boost.

The really good news is that we don't have to spend all our hard

 earned salary on oysters for dinner every night.

Fill the dinner plate with 5 essential nutrients and you will be 

rocking the socks off your partner in absolutely no time at all.

Omega 3

These essential fatty acids will provide the basis for a very 

healthy production of prostaglandins and hormones that have 

importance in regulating sex drive and play an important role 

in sexual HEALTH


Almonds, Walnuts, Avocado, and Salmon


Zinc is important for sufficient testosterone production in men.

and also help to sustain sexual desire in women. Significantly, zinc

deficiency can lead to low libido in both men and women.


Oysters, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, beef liver

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is important for sexual hormone production, and due to

their high antioxidant nature overall egg health in women. In men, 

zinc increases sperm mobility, which is very important for efficient 

egg fertilisation, and also their fertility.


ASPARAGUS, Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, and Blueberries

B Vitamins

These are important for the body's total energy levels. B Vitamins

are essential for sex- hormone production. If the diet is deficient in B

 this may result in lower hormone production and decreased libido.

Did you know that FOLATE ( a B Vitamin) will help increase histamine 

production which is very important for orgasm production.


Bananas, Eggs, and Fish

Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps to maintain the strength and function of blood

vessels, which is important for blood flow to the genitals. In men

this important for erectile function , and for women, stimulation

 and lubrication.


ORANGES, Strawberries, Kale, Cauliflower, and Capsicum

.......So essential for you sexual health, well being and your all

important relationship. 

Nourish Magazine 6/2013

Monday, 27 July 2015

Life is Perfect NOW!

Treasures In The Garden

Life is always perfect to fulfill that dream .......

Don't wait for everything 
to be perfect
before you enjoy your life.

....... right where we are NOW!

There is so much in life to enjoy right Now!

My word for today is "ENJOY!"


Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Loving Life and Laughter

A loving Legend

Legends say that the hummingbirds float free.
They carry our hopes for love, joy, and celebration.
The hummingbird's delicate grace reminds us that
life is rich, beauty is everywhere, and every 
personal connection has meaning,
and that laughter is life's sweetest creation.

We need to find beauty in all things we see 

.... most of all in nature and people we meet.

 We need to share the beauty in ourselves 

in every connection we make with others.

Life is definitely rich and it's ours for the taking. 

Spice baby Spice


Putting healthy spice into our life......

These spices can take a dish from bland to delicious. But.... did you know, these  magical spices can also boost your life with some pretty magical healing compounds.  

Here are three pretty exciting and tasty spices that you can add to your HEALTHY LIVING regime.... RIGHT NOW!


Cayenne powder comes from ground dried, red hot chilli peppers. The important ingredient in this spice is CAPSAICIN which is found in some prescriptions, and over counter arthritis and muscle pain creams.

Add a generous dash of cayenne to soups, stews, stir fries to ease cold and flu congestion as it shrinks swollen blood vessels.

It could even trim waistlines by speeding up metabolism.


Tumeric is an Indian spice that has been used to treat maladies since quite ancient times.

CURCUMIN is the key ingredient here. It is a potent antioxidant which has the potential to treat tumour growths and suppress enzymes that can trigger abnormal cell changes. Studies have shown it as being useful for treating arthritis, ALzheimer's  and heart disease.

Use more tumeric in your diet by adding it to curries, stews, sipping tumeric tea and/ or taking a daily capsule.