Sunday 29 July 2012

Calling on Inner Strength and Power

Early morning fog at the bottom of my garden

From My Garden

When something seems impossible I need to go
within myself and call upon my inner strength, and
engage the power of God's love. With all this power
of God's love and my own inner strength anything is possible.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
 I have 100% of the rest of my life to live.
Good morning!
I woke to a bright, sunny, very chilly morning. How exhilerating is that! The fire is burning and inside our home it is so toasty warm.

Well, yesterday went just as I planned. We went to church . Father Dan is still with us. Our sermon this week was from John's Gospel about the loaves and the fishes, and how differently John portrayed this story than Mathew had done in his Gospel. I had never realised that before.
Being a literal person I had always seen it as a miracle that Jesus performed when there was not enough food to feed all of his followers. Father Dan is certainly very good at engaging me to listen in and actually hear what  I am really being told.

I managed to get more fertiliser for my rose garden (among other things), and after lunch I finished pruning, fertilising and watering my rose garden. Gardening is certainly soul food. Not only did I finish my planned rose garden chores, but I managed to start on my geranium garden as well. Yesterday was such a glorious wnters day as well - so crisp, so clean, so bright , so exhilerating- a really God-filled day.

So, on such an inviting morning, I have much planned and hope things turn out as rewarding and prodictve as yesterday.

I hope you too have an enjoyable day and find God in all that you do.

If I am going to participate in the game of life, I will need to appreciate each delightful and precious moment. C.

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