Monday, 31 December 2012

Words to live by

Treasures In The Garden


Butt prints in the Sand


One night, I had a wondrous dream:
One set of footprints there was seen.
The footprints of my precious Lord,
But mine were not along the shore.
 But then some stranger prints appeared, 
And I asked the Lord,"What have we here?"
"Those prints are large and round and neat,
But, Lord, they are too big for feet."
"My child," He said in sombre tones.
"For miles I carried you alone.
I challenged you to walk in faith,
But you refused and made me wait.
So I got tired and fed up,
And there I dropped you on your butt,
Because in life, there comes a time,
 When one must fight, and one must climb,
When one must rise and take a stand,
Or leave their butt prints in the sand.
                                                      The Story Bin

My New Year Resolution: To have a better sense of humour

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Divine Promise

Treasures In The Garden


Thy Will Be Done....


God did not promise "sun without rain",
"light without darkness"-"
He only promised us" strength for the day
When the "darkness comes" and we lose our way,
For only through sorrow do we grow more aware
That God is our refuge in times of despair.......
For when we are happy and life's bright and fair,
we often forget to kneel down in prayer,
But God seems much closer and needed much more
when trouble and sorrow stand outside our door-
 For then we seek shelter in His wondrous love
and we ask Him to send help from above......
And that is the reason we know it is true
That bright, shining hours and dark, sad ones, too,
Are part of the plan God made for each one,
and all we can pray is "THY WILL BE DONE".






Friday, 28 December 2012

An act of unselfishness

Treasures In The Garden


Having a good day.... 


If you planted hope in someone's heart
when they felt alone;
If you caused someone to laugh or smile
and chased away their tears;
If you lightened someone's burden
because you showed them kindness;
Then.. your day was well spent.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Simple Smatterings

From an old journal entry 12/09/08


Firs of all, i would like to have  a friend. I don't know that i have an actual friend. I know many people, but.... I don't have a friend. I guess I would like a friend, and learn how to make a friend,keep a friend,be a friend. I,m not sure how often friends keep in touch. I am very good at keeping in touch with my family. The fact that they don't keep in touch with me is neither here nor there. I won't play that game.
 Maybe if I had a friend to talk with i wouldn't need to try so hard with my family.
 I would make sure my friend knew i appreciated them , that i would be there if they needed me,. I would care about them, encourage and support them, be understanding, and patient and kind, and be the best friend I can be. I only need a friend! I guess I could say my sisters are friends. I could say that Yvonne, Jeannie and Noelene are friends. I do have friends faraway!
I was so pleasantly surprised to have a visit earlier in the year from Noelene and Len, and a birthday txt from Noelene for my birthday, which I loved. And the lovely surprise of speaking to Jeannie last year after many years of keeping in touch yearly at Christmas. To stop and reminisce sometimes brings back happy memories and sometimes sad ones.  But I try to brush away the sad ones and and live where I am now - living in the moment.
Sad moments since we have lived her were saying goodbye to our neighbour Jim who only had days to live and who was so scared of the unknown of dying. And having to say goodbye to Brady's friend Darryl who was in the same position was pretty hard too.

Moving on....

Since then, I have no more friends than I had before. I have said goodbye to other friends and 4 special aunts. We are now moving into the age bracket that it's our friends and aquaintances who are leaving.
 I am always busy with my garden and craft,
 I still blog for positivity, motivation, inspiration,
 I still write to my family, txt and email, with very little response.
 I still go to church, 
I still pray, 
I still read,
 I still work part time, 
I still get to travel,
i still love to cook
I hear from my sister once a fortnight which is great, 
I still make cards.
 So, I get on with living. I am happy right where i am at this present moment, and life is generally okay when I keep on keeping on, and I'm generally accepting of that's how things are. 

Finish each day and be done with it.
You have done what you could do.
Some blunders and absurdities have
crept in; forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it
serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense. Emerson

Being a Leader

Treasures In The Garden


Look out for new roads to follow....


Do not go where known pathways will  lead you.
instead, go to where there is no path,
 and leave a trail of your own.

Blessings for the new year

Treasures In The Garden

As the new year approaches....


Bless us all
 this  coming new year
with quietness of mind - 
Teach us to be patient
and always to be kind.
Show us that in quietness
we can feel a presence near,
filling us with peace and joy
throughout the entire year.
                          Helen Steiner Rice

Monday, 24 December 2012

Start Small

Treasures In The Garden


Let their be peace on earth.....


Let there be peace on earth,
and let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on earth,
peace that was meant to be

With God our Father,
brothers all are we.
 Let me walk with my brother
in perfect harmony.

Let peace begin with me.
Let this be the moment now.
With every step I take,
let this be my solemn vow.
To take each moment
and live each moment,
 in peace eternally.
 Let there be peace on earth,
 and let it begin with me.

With God our Father, 
brothers all are we.
Let me walk with my brother
 in perfect harmony.

.......and let it begin with ME!


Sunday, 23 December 2012

A Christmas Blessing

    Treasures In The Garden

         There's much more to Christmas.....


             The gifts I leave beneath your tree
          Are not the kind you touch or see
             Not wrapped in in Christmas wrapping gay,,
         But gifts to bless you every day.

The gift of friendship warm and true
Is one that I would leave for you.

Good health and happiness and cheer,
To keep you smiling through the year.
The gift of peace that comes from God
With prayers to guide each step you trod.
And when your heart has lost its song,
The gift of HOPE to cheer you on.

Saturday, 22 December 2012

A better perspective

Treasures In The Garden


Changing things around

Life isn't about
waiting for the storm 
to pass.
It is about
learning to dance
in the RAIN!

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Patience is a virtue

Treasures In The Garden

Saving the moment

A moment of patience,
in a moment of anger,
 saves a thousand moments....

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Kind words mean a lot.

Treasures In The Garden


Watch your words... they have meaning....

Kind words need only to be short 
and quite easy to say,
 but the echoes of those words
 can be truly endless.

Monday, 17 December 2012

All Things Great, Small Beautiful

Treasures In The Garden

I see beauty in every smiling face....

Beauty shines through
in the good things we do.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Golden Opportuinities

Treasures In The Garden


Taking up every opportuinity to learn


We can learn by the mistakes that we make.

Our errors are 

the portals for our own self discovery.

                                                       James Joyce













Saturday, 15 December 2012

Love begets Happiness?

Treasures In The Garden

Sometimes it isn"t easy....


To love unconditionally.

Friday, 14 December 2012

Body and Soul

Treasures In The Garden


Sweet nourishment ....


Prayer does for the soul

 what nourishment does for the body



Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Knowing Our Own Personal Values

Treasures In The Garden


Personal values affect our decisions......


It is not so difficult
 to make decisions
when we know what our 
own personal values are. 

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Times We Remember

Treasures In The Garden


Happy Memories.....

We do not always remember specific days and times
However, we do tend to remember special moments.



Monday, 10 December 2012

Unbeknown Miracles

Treasures In The Garden

Doing Our Best.....

When we do the best we can,
 we never know what miracles 
we are able to produce in our life,
or in another life we may touch,
as we move through our life journey.
                                                   Helen Keller

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Wherever We Are....

Treasures In The Garden


FInding our vocation ....

Wherever God has placed you in this world, 
that is your vocation.
It is not what we do,
 but how much love we are willing to give,
 and what love we put into 
 whatever we do.
                                                       Mother Teresa .

Friday, 7 December 2012

Meaning To Life

Treasures In The Garden


Friends forever?


There are those who pass us
like ships in the night ,
Who we meet for a moment,
then sail out of sight,
with never a backwards
 glance of regret:
 folks we know briefly
 then quickly forget.

Then there are friends
who sail on together
through quiet waters
 and stormy weather
helping each other
through joy and through strife.
And......they are the kind
who give meaning to life!





Thursday, 6 December 2012

To Know when You Have Succeded

Treasures In The Garden

How will you know you have succeed in life?


To laugh often and much;
to be respected by your peers;
when you have received the affection of children;
when you earn and are appreciated by honest critics;
when you can endure betrayal by false friends;
when you can appreciate the beauty that surrounds you;
when are able to find good in other people;
when you can leave the world a better place than when you entered it,
whether it be by a healthy child
a garden patch,,
a changed social condition;
to know that even one life has been made easier
because you have lived and trod upon this earth.

  This is to have succeeded in life.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Having a Good Friend

Treasures In The Garden

(Roses for love)

 How will you know your friend?

A friend
will joyfully sing 
along with you from the 
top of the mountain,
 and silently walk
beside you through
 the valley

The best of friends indeed!




Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Moving On to New horizons

Treasures In The Garden

That time is now over....

time for a new you.


Don't hold on to bitterness,

and don't be full of hatred,

 when someone you love,

no longer loves you

 the way you love them.



Let go!

 Don't try to understand what you can't

Don't fight. It's obviously over.

Don't play deaf to the obvious truth-

what you had before doesn't work now, 

and won't work anymore.....

that time is now over, you need to move on.






Monday, 3 December 2012

Not What You'd Expect

Treasures In The Garden

Giving your all....

Love has nothing to do with
 what you are expecting you should receive.
Love is what you are expected to GIVE

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Choosing richness over riches

Treasures In The Garden

Riches and blessings....


There are a couple of ways of being rich:
 One way to be rich 
is to have all that we want;
another way to be rich
is to be satisfied  and enjoy
 all that we have!

Celebrating gratitude....

Saturday, 1 December 2012

celebrating the Journey through life

Treasures In The Garden

Enjoying the journey

Live each day of your life
 as if you are climbing a

An occasional glance
toward the summit
 keeps your goal in mind.
But many beautiful scenes
 can be observed  from each 
 new vantage point.

Climb ever so slowly,
climb steadily,
 enjoy each passing moment.
The view from the summit
will be a fitting climax 
for your arduous journey. 
                  Harold V. Melchert