Friday, 19 December 2014

Cause and Affect

Treasures In The Garden


The voice that will motivate is within you.......


 Win peace-
Win freedom-
Control only that which you have control over-
your own thoughts
-your own actions
your own person.

....... Once you change yourself you effect a change

in that which you had no control over.

                                                                                            Sheri S. Bessi-


My word for today "MOTIVATION!"


Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Prayer Power

Undone, Unsaid

The prayer that's left unsaid:


Like a letter that's unwritten
Like a book that lies unread,
Like a field unploughed,untended
is a prayer that's left unsaid.
Though God knows
The thoughts and wishes
That are secrets of the heart,
Yet the prayer must still be uttered,
For his healing power to start....
Though at times
We might neglect him
And refuse to hear his call....
When we think we don't need Him
Then we need Him most of all....
There are lessons all around us
In the skies- the sea -the sun,
In the flight of every sparrow
"Let thy will be done."
But we turn our hearts to pleasure
And the wealth we reap is care.
We forget the answers
Are the ones we find in prayer.
Let's resolve to write that letter
Read the book we've laid aside,
Tend the field, and reap the harvest
Of humility and pride
And we'll find 
our cares and worries
Will be be turned to joys instead,
For we'll never
Close our hearts to Him
And leave our prayer unsaid. 


Tuesday, 2 December 2014

The Unseen Gifts

                          Peaceful Presents


The gifts I'd leave beneath your tree
Aren't those that you could touch or see.
Not wrapped in Christmas paper gay
But.... gifts to bless you everyday.
The gift of friendship warm and true
Is one that I would leave for you.

Good health and happiness and cheer,
To keep you smiling all the year.
The gift of peace that comes from God,
 With prayers to guide each path you trod.
And when your heart has lost it's song
 The gift of hope to cheer you on. 

Happy Christmas
 Happy 2015.

My family to Yours.

Choose your Attitude

Goanna in our garden

Treasures In The Garden


You can't hang out with negative people

and experience a positive day.......


Never regret knowing people in your life.

Good people bring happiness.
Bad people bring experience.
Worse people bring lessons.
Best people will always bring
experiences to commit to your memories.
                                                                  Soul Writings

.......Turn negative into positive.


My word for today is "CHOICE!"




Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Following On

Treasures In The Garden

Tending life's garden with kindness and LOVE.......


Every single day of our lives
We step out into the garden of this world .
Every single day we plant seeds
that can grow into something wonderful.
We may never see the growth that comes from 
the kind words and loving deeds we share....
but God does.
I hope then that you always tend the garden
around yourself with care.
I hope that you plant only goodness and peace and compassion
in the lives of everyone you meet.
I everyday you help miracles grow!

....... Helps miracles grow in the lives of those we meet!


My word for today is "MIRACLES!"

Christmas Wishing

   Wistful Wishing


A Grownup's Christmas List.......


No more lives torn apart,
That wars would NEVER start,
And time would heal all hurts,
And everyone would have a friend,
And RIGHT would always win,
And LOVE would never end.
Shut up I'm still talking
via Phil Young

...... that I wish could be fulfilled!




Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Right Now! Right Here!

Treasures In The Garden


Where we are right now is the time to change........


the world
starts with
the very personal
process of changing ourselves.
The only place
we can make this start is
where we are.
And the only time 
we can begin to change
is RIGHT now!
                                 Everyday Power Blog

.......because we will never be at this place in time, again!


My word for today is "IMMEDIATELY!"



Monday, 20 October 2014

People Power

Treasures In The Garden


Starting off from little things.......


 small actions                                                                    Big
                                          Add up to                  CHANGE
Lots of People 
                                                                                                                                               Power Blog

......... and lots of support, can often mean a growth into something big!


My word for today is "GROWING!"

A Mindful Matter

Simple Smatterings

Today I was reading and picked up this gorgeous uplifting piece of prose and thought I would share it with my blogging friends.

Laughter is
the fireworks
of the soul.

If only I could always remember that and incorporate it in all of my everyday living.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Try a different Tactic

Treasures In The Garden


Close the book - move on....... 

Close that chapter.
We can't start
the next chapter
 of our life
 if we keep
 re-reading the last

........ to better and happier things!

My word for today is "CLOSURE!"


Gardening Gabble

To Nurture a Garden:


is to not just to feed the body.......

 The glory of gardening:
hands in the dirt,
 head in the sun,
heart in nature.

.......but feed the soul as well.

                                           Alfred Austin


Sunday, 12 October 2014

moving on the a better place

Treasures In The Garden

Having a bad day?

It's just another day.......


 Don't let
a bad 

.......make you
 feel like
you have
 a bad life.

....tomorrow will be better.

Positivity and Optimism.

My word for today is "OPTIMISM!" 



Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Yesterday Is Gone

Treasures In The Garden

Yesterday can't be brought back

No changes can be made.......

I am told:
Time is like a river.
 We cannot touch the water twice,
because the flow of the river flow,
that has passed
will never flow this way again.
 Enjoy every moment of this life

....... think carefully on every word we say, every action we take,

 for we can't go back and change any hurts we have caused.

My word for today is :"YESTERDAY"

 I am sorry for any past hurts  I caused.
 I would go back and change any hurts; but I can't. 
 I can only say "I'm sorry!"

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Never Give Up

Treasures In The Garden

A positive mind plus positive thinking .......


Have courage and a belief in yourself,
Maintain a positive outlook, 
Encourage others to be positive too.
Don't get caught up in negatives
Stick to the positive,
 Listen to others to find ways to be be positive,
Always look for ways to improve,
Focus on the here and now,
 Don't dwell on past mistakes,
Don't get distracted from moving forward,
Inspire others to believe in themselves.
Always do your best,
 Never give up!
Sarah Wall- professional basketballer
Australian Catholics magazine 

.......adds up to a positive outcome!


My word for today is"STICKABILITY!"




Friday, 12 September 2014

Painful Perfection

From my garden

How do I get free?

To escape being a slave to perfectionism
 you need to understand and challenge 
the underlying beliefs  that drive us 
to get "things right".
Perfectionists think that their beliefs
are indeed,FACTS
For an example:
"If I make a mistake
it will be catastrophic."
Get into the habit of challenging 
these thoughts with a reality check.
Take note of when you make a mistake-
or something was not quite right.......

Did your feared outcome come to fruition? 

Replace this kind of thinking of being "perfect"
with the realistic thought "I will do my best".

This can be frightening at first.
But make a start on setting realistic standards.
Remember: they are there to help you to do your best.

This way you won't lose the things that mean the most to you-
relationships, leisure time, good health.

Good luck! It will take practice. Eventually things will improve.
Good Health Magazine ( Jennifer Garth)


Practice Thinking Positively

Treasures In The Garden


Get a happiness fix.......


Being a success:
 is liking yourself,
liking what you do,
liking how you do it. 

.......hang out with a happy person.

Your chances of being positive and happy will automatically rise.


My word for today is "SUCCESS!" 

Monday, 8 September 2014

Making connections

Treasures In The Garden


When difficulties arise in my life.......

An approach to keeping relationships on an even keel:
Talk things through,
try gentle persuasion,
Aim for reconciliation,
Try not to use accusation

....... I try hard to foster unity, acceptance, harmony and love.

 And if all else fails I pray.

My word for today is "HARMONY!"

Monday, 25 August 2014

Who is the teacher here?

Treasures In The Garden

   As we are living our day- today life, we often fail to see that.......



While we teach
our children about life,
our children teach us
 what life is all about.


.......that while we are teaching and giving example, we, too, are also learning new things.


My word for today is "LEARNING!"




Thursday, 21 August 2014

Attitude Counts

Treasures In The Garden

I have found that being positive.......


 Having a positive attitude
May not solve every problem
that arises in my life,
but it makes solving any problem
a much more pleasant experience.

....... helps in all areas and walks of my life!

My word for today is "ATTITUDE!

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Making the most out of life

Treasures In The Garden

Life is not about finding oneself. It's about creating oneself.

Four things we can't recover:

The stone after it has been thrown.
The word after it's been said.
The occasion after it has been missed.  
The time after it has gone.

And how about:

Laughter is the fireworks of the soul.

All good stuff to ponder upon.


My word for today is "CREATING!"

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Fantastic Faith

Treasures In The Garden


From our church news letter yesterday:
 Giving an insight into having Faith.......

Jesus walking on water and Peter having faith to follow:

 and then doubt set in........


In the middle of a dark winter's night in a small farming community,
 The 2- story home of a young family caught on fire.
Quickly , the family followed their well practiced emergency plan, and they made their way through the smoke- filled home to the front yard.
 There the father counted headsand realised that their 5 year old was missing.
Suddenly he heard a wail and looked to see the boy at his bedroom window, crying and rubbing his eyes. 
Knowing the danger of re-entering the burning building to rescue his son,
the father called" Jump, son! I'll catch you!"
Between sobs, the boy responded to the familiar voice: "But i can't see you Daddy!"
 The fathered answered with great assurance:"No, son! You can't see me,but I can see you! JUMP!"
At that the boy jumped into the inky smoky darkness and found himself cradled in his father's loving arms- safe!
 Keep Faith!

Have Faith. Be Trusting. Know that God is with us!

God's presence is for his people. 

Our need is to trust HIM!



Thursday, 7 August 2014

Improving one's beauty

Treasures In The Garden


Always having  kindness thoughts.......


If you think
good thoughts,
they will shine
from your face like
the light of sunbeams,
and you will always
                     Amelia Earhart

.......will improve  inner and outer beauty!


My word for today is "IMPROVEMENT!" 

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Inner Winner

Treasures In The Garden


Happiness doesn't come from outer circumstances but from inner assurance.......

To be an inner winner I need to:
Count my blessings,
 Practice kindness,
Use my time wisely,
Listen to my heart,
Do my very best,
Let go the rest,
Go with the flow.

....... it comes from within!


My word for today is "HAPPINESS!"



Saturday, 26 July 2014

It's time to make a change

Treasures In The Garden


Do we always know what things are important

Could it be.......

The ability to be able to love....
or: making expressions of kindness
 to those around us....
or: touching the heart, the emotions
 of the people we love....
Or, the wordless conveyance of care
 by a look or touch....

Perhaps we could give it the chance to work.

 It takes 21 days to change a habit.

Maybe it will help change the lives of others as well as our own.

                                                                            -Sheri S Bessi
                                                                                                   (The Other Side of Ugly) 

My word for today is CHANGE!


Saturday, 28 June 2014

Staying In Focus

Treasures In The Garden


The end result is not enjoyable.......


Sometimes we become too focused
on the line where we will finish....
 and we fail to see the journey
 we have taken to get to our destination.


....... if we have missed out on how we got there.


My word for today is "JOURNEY!" 

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Directions--- every which way!


Treasures In The Garden


If we make kindness a part of every day living.......


A single act of
throws out
roots in all
 and those roots
up and make
new growth.
                     Amelia Earhart

..........we will probably never know in which directions our kindness will be projected!


My word for today is "DIRECTION!"



Saturday, 7 June 2014

Lighting an Inspiring Flame

Treasures In The Garden


Igniting the flame which has become extinguished 

by a sad happening for someone we know.......

  At times our own
 light can go out and be
rekindled from a spark 
lit by another person.
 Each one of us has cause 
to think with deep gratitude
 of someone who has lighted
 the dwindling flame within us.

....... can be a wonderful achievement by a caring person, and inspiration for those in need  of a helping hand.


My word for today is "IGNITING!"

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Wanted - A Mum!


Long term team Player needed for challenging  permanent work in an often chaotic environment. Candidates must possess excellent communication and organisational skills and be willing to work variable hours, which will include evenings and weekends and frequent 24 hour shifts on call.some travel required, including trips to primitive camping sites on rainy weekends and endless sport tournaments. travel expenses not reimbursed.


Provide on site training in basic living skills - such as nose blowing.
Needs strong skills in negotiation, conflict resolution and crisis management
Needs to think out of the box, but not lose sight of the box because it might be needed for a school project.
Must be proficient in managing a budget and resources fairly to save hearing for the rest of your life: " He got more than me!"
Must be able to drive safely under noisy and adverse conditions.
Must be able to choose battles and stick to your guns.must be able to withstand criticism such as :"You know nothing!"
Must be be able to take being hated at leaast temporarily because someone desperately needed $5 to go somewhere.
Must be willing to bite your tongue repeatedly.
Must have the  physical stamina of a pack horse and able to go from zero to60kph in 60 seconds in case this time the screams from the backyard  are not just someone crying "wolf" and are really hurt.
Must have the ability to survive sleep deprivation, and willing to face stimulating
Must be able to coordinate production of several homework projects at the same time. technical challenges, 
such as small gadget repairs, mysterious sluggish toilets, stuck zippers.
must have the ability to plan and organise social gatherings for clients of all ages.
 Must be  willing to be indispensible one minute and an embarrassment the next.
Must have diverse knowledge base to answer questions such as " when the world spins round why doesn't the water fall out?"
 Must be able to hope for the best at all times but always be prepared for the worst.
 Must also be prepared to work as maintenance groundsman throughout the work place.


Virtually None!
Your job is to remain in the same position for years without complaint, constantly update your skills,so those in our charge will ultimately surpass you.


None required, Unfortunately. On the job training offered on a continually exhausting basis.


You pay them, offering frequent raises and bonuses
 When you die you give them whatever is left.
The oddest thing  about this reverse- salary scheme is that you actually enjoy and wish you had more.


No dental or health insurance,
no pension,
non- reimbursement tuition,
no paid holidays,
no stock options,
However the job supplies limitless opportunities for personal growth and and free hugs for life if you play your cards right.

On Mother's Day, as on any day, love doesn't take a day off. It rejoices every day a another chance to show itself to to everyone

Happy Mother's Day!