Undone, Unsaid
The prayer that's left unsaid:
Like a letter that's unwritten
Like a book that lies unread,
Like a field unploughed,untended
is a prayer that's left unsaid.
Though God knows
The thoughts and wishes
That are secrets of the heart,
Yet the prayer must still be uttered,
For his healing power to start....
Though at times
We might neglect him
And refuse to hear his call....
When we think we don't need Him
Then we need Him most of all....
There are lessons all around us
In the skies- the sea -the sun,
In the flight of every sparrow
"Let thy will be done."
But we turn our hearts to pleasure
And the wealth we reap is care.
We forget the answers
Are the ones we find in prayer.
Let's resolve to write that letter
Read the book we've laid aside,
Tend the field, and reap the harvest
Of humility and pride
And we'll find
our cares and worries
Will be be turned to joys instead,
For we'll never
Close our hearts to Him
And leave our prayer unsaid.